Claudiu Boboc


When Night Meets Dawn
Associate Producer
A teenage boy goes looking for his new friend on the hot streets of an eerie city. As the blue night falls, a sensual journey begins. Nature around him becomes exotic and the exotic becomes erotic. In the illuminating dawn, he discovers he’s not like the rest.
The Sentries
Unit Production Manager
In this fun children's adventure tale, 19 kids spend a few days in a mountain camp together with their caregivers, Florentina and Vasile. When little Radu gets lost in the woods, all the others, including his little sister, are worried sick and imagine all kinds of terrible scenarios. But Radu receives help from where he least expects it.
Perfeitamente Saudável
Head of Production
Um advogado investiga os últimos dias da vida do pai, um juiz cuja morte misteriosa levanta suspeitas sobre a sua jovem viúva.