

Adult Rappers
This documentary feature pulls back the curtain on the world of ‘working class’ rappers. The film spotlights independent artists struggling to find a balance between making a living and pursuing their art alongside the never-ending saga of age and relevance. Weaved together through a series of 30 plus interviews that are devoid of the ego so common in the business of music, especially hip-hop, the film traverses the country (USA) to explore the myths and misconceptions of life as a full-time rapper.
The Music Scene
Awarded the Best Commissioned Animation at Ottawa International Animation Festival!! Awarded Best Short Animated Film at Woodstock Film Festival!! Official music video for Blockhead's 'The Music Scene'. An animated mind melt into a post human New York where TV and animals rule. All cast to the sincerely melodic soul of Blockhead's 'The Music Scene.' Directimated by A.F.Schepperd Commissioned by Ninjatune Records Music by Blockhead