Andrés Mellinas


A água
Production Manager
É verão em uma pequena vila no sudeste da Espanha. Uma tempestade ameaça fazer com que o rio que a atravessa volte a transbordar. Uma velha crença popular afirma que algumas mulheres estão predestinadas a desaparecer a cada nova enchente, porque elas têm a “água dentro”. Um bando de jovens tenta superar o cansaço de um verão na aldeia que cheira a morte fumando, dançando e cobiçando uns aos outros. Nesta atmosfera elétrica que antecede a tempestade, Ana e José vivem um caso de amor até que a tempestade estoura.
Androgenic Alopecia
Salvador Sunyer (Son) has been the creator of the spots for Temporada Alta Festival for the past ten years. Coinciding with the thirtieth anniversary of the festival, Salvador’s first daughter is born, and he feels like he no longer has the strength to continue to be the same person he thought he was.
Daucus Carota
Executive Producer
A community of women lives in an old convent that falls apart. They never talk and strive to keep everything clean. One day, Irene realizes for the first time that there is much more beyond the routine she and her sisters keep doing over and over. Irene, following nature’s signs, starts a journey of reconnection with her own impulses and body to finally find her own voice.
Executive Producer
Gang is a journey into group-mentality, impulse, and those experiences that men very often keep quiet, to the masculinity that devours us.
Gang is a journey into group-mentality, impulse, and those experiences that men very often keep quiet, to the masculinity that devours us.
Dark Eyes
Associate Producer
Paula, a thirteen year old girl, starts to experience certain complications in the relationships with her family and friends. In order to be with her ill grandmother, which she barely knows, she spends the summer in Ojos Negros. There she will meet Alicia, a girl her age, who also stays in town for the summer. Together they will venture into the adult world through a stifling summer that never ends.