Shalom Eisenbach


Yair, an ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva student, opens an electronics shop in "Geula", a neighborhood that is the shopping epicenter for the entire ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem. The religious character of the neighborhood is enforced by the "Geula Committee" and Yair strictly adheres to their rules. His shop is introducing a world of advanced technology that overnight becomes a magnet for every ultra-Orthodox household, but the increasing intrusion of modernity is an affront to the committee, leading to an inevitable conflict that forces Yair into a desperate struggle for survival.
A Lenda de Golem
No século XV, para salvar o seu povo de uma ameaça, uma mulher conjura uma criatura com bases nas suas crenças judaicas. A criatura porém torna-se algo muito mais poderoso e demoníaco do que eles podiam esperar.