Seamus Murphy’s documentary examines Irish writer Pat Ingoldsby’s unique world. Ingoldsby’s poems and candid anecdotes bear witness to a visceral relationship with his beloved Dublin, fellow Dubliners and anything that catches his interest. Personal challenges, a sensitive humanity and a lifetime as a maverick have taught him to harness reality and reach well beyond it to avenge the banal with absurd magic. It heals him as it does us.
Seamus Murphy’s documentary examines Irish writer Pat Ingoldsby’s unique world. Ingoldsby’s poems and candid anecdotes bear witness to a visceral relationship with his beloved Dublin, fellow Dubliners and anything that catches his interest. Personal challenges, a sensitive humanity and a lifetime as a maverick have taught him to harness reality and reach well beyond it to avenge the banal with absurd magic. It heals him as it does us.
O premiado fotógrafo e cineasta Seamus Murphy explora a inspiração criativa por trás do álbum The Hope Six Demolition Projetct de PJ Harvey, filmando a cantora em um estúdio de gravação em Londres e registrando suas viagens juntos pelo Afeganistão, Kosovo e EUA.
O premiado fotógrafo e cineasta Seamus Murphy explora a inspiração criativa por trás do álbum The Hope Six Demolition Projetct de PJ Harvey, filmando a cantora em um estúdio de gravação em Londres e registrando suas viagens juntos pelo Afeganistão, Kosovo e EUA.