Xu Tang


Provoking Laughter is a 2016 Chinese adventure crime comedy film directed by Tang Xu and starring Pan Yueming, Wu Yue, Chang Yuan, Archie Kao, Tan Kai and Lin Peng. It was released in China by Dadi Century Films Distribution on 29 December 2016.
Give Seven Days
Two women who live very different lives decide to exchange homes. Ai Lin (Vicky Yu) is poor while Wen Di (Cenzi Xu) is wealthy. But when they are both dumped by their boyfriends on the same day, they accidentally meet each other.
Give Seven Days
Two women who live very different lives decide to exchange homes. Ai Lin (Vicky Yu) is poor while Wen Di (Cenzi Xu) is wealthy. But when they are both dumped by their boyfriends on the same day, they accidentally meet each other.