Peter Terner


Dr. Moreau
Sound Designer
Dr. Moreau is an abstract horror short, adapted from H.G.Wells' classic novel, that will invite the viewer to board on a tangible journey to the borders of science, where the differences between nature and humanity are blurred.
Monument to the Murderers
A film about a district in Buda, which to this day cannot face the inconceivably cruel crimes committed by its former inhabitants.
Cold Meridian
Sound Designer
Os rituais repetidos de uma intérprete em Resposta Sensorial Autônoma do Meridiano (ASMR) e seus espectadores.
Sound Designer
Our Sleeping is based on the director's own and her family's sleeping habits. The film shows short episodes from her relatives' life about how do they deal with their problems in their sleeping.
Aqueles que Ficaram
Boom Operator
Tendo sobrevivido aos campos de concentração, Aldo, de 42 anos, vive uma vida solitária como médico em Budapeste. Klara, de 16 anos, vive relutantemente com sua tia-avó, esperando que seu pai e sua mãe retornem. Ela conhece Aldo, e logo os dois encontram algo um no outro que tem estado ausente em suas vidas. Uma história lírica do poder curativo do amor em meio a conflitos, perdas e traumas.
Sound Mixer
Hey Deer!
Sound Designer
Short about an adorable, cocoa-drinking deer who is eager to tidy and shoveling in front of his house every day. However, there is a suspicious earthquake all night which causes the mess day by day and make unbearable our fella's life.