In the Sicilian town of Taormina, Italy, an aspiring writer in search of inspiration meets a folk singer trying to write a follow up to her breakout hit. Their chemistry sparks collaboration, challenging each other to express their thorniest secrets.
A reunion between 4 friends quickly goes awry when they find themselves face to face with Erzulie the swamp mermaid goddess.
Visual Effects
Duas melhores amigas e colegas de quarto estão aterrorizadas com os espíritos vingativos que moram em seu apartamento.
Duas melhores amigas e colegas de quarto estão aterrorizadas com os espíritos vingativos que moram em seu apartamento.
A group of college students go for a weekend trip to shoot a short horror film for class... when the terror gets real.
The true story of a soldier's journey through the heat and hell of the Vietnam war in the 1960's.
The true story of a soldier's journey through the heat and hell of the Vietnam war in the 1960's.
The true story of a soldier's journey through the heat and hell of the Vietnam war in the 1960's.
The true story of a soldier's journey through the heat and hell of the Vietnam war in the 1960's.
The true story of a soldier's journey through the heat and hell of the Vietnam war in the 1960's.
Extra (uncredited)
Várias pessoas recebem mensagens aterrorizantes no celular, contendo o dia, a hora e alguns detalhes sobre a sua morte. Embora as mensagens possam ser apagadas, elas já estão marcadas para morrer.