First Assistant Director
Beaumont-sur-mer, Riviera Francesa. Josephine (Anne Hathaway) e Penny (Rebel Wilson) são duas manipuladoras, conhecidas pela arte de extorquir milionários. No entanto, enquanto a primeira é sofisticada, a segunda tem métodos muito menos elegantes. De início Josephine aceita Penny como sua pupila, mas logo se percebe que na verdade a intenção era usá-la para um golpe específico e, logo em seguida, descartá-la. Surge então uma disputa entre elas, sobre quem conseguirá antes a quantia de US$ 500 mil de Thomas Westerburg (Alex Sharp), um prodígio da tecnologia, que está hospedado na cidade.
Second Assistant Director
Para deixar a vida de crimes, um traficante de Paris aceita um último trabalho na Espanha. No seu caminho, marginais desequilibrados, uma antiga paixão e a mãe golpista.
Assistant Director
Axun, a 70 year old woman, is called from the hospital to take care of her daughter's ex-husband, who was seriously injured in a car accident. To her surprise, the woman who takes care of the other patient in the same hospital room turns out to be Maite, her best friend when teenagers. They have not seen each other for more than 50 years. The hospital visits will show that the close relationship they had when teenagers is still alive. Their relationship was very special fifty years ago but nowadays the same feelings flourish. Where is the thin line that separates friendship from desire?
Second Assistant Director
Mommy's boy Juantxo is engaged. Dragged to the party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses his expensive wedding ring inside the body of a prostitute. Mafioso whorehouse owner Villambrosa finds the ring. Meanwhile Villambrosa's rival gangster Souza sends femme fatale Fatima to check things out. Juantxo and his friends are trying to get the ring back and in the process get involved in the war between gangs.