Aude Vassallo


Mitterrand et la télé
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May 10th, 1981. François Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic. The “soviet tanks” supposedly coming upon the Champs-Élysées dressed in red, feared by some, did not march. Serge Moati takes a personal look at this episode, focusing on the relationship the president had with television, that he witnessed and played a role in.
Charlie Chaplin, o Gênio da liberdade
Documentation & Support
Uma narrativa cronológica e completa da vida, obra e ativismo social de Charlie Chaplin, contada a partir de uma grande variedade de registros e filmagens de arquivo familiares e inéditos.
Danielle Mitterrand, une certaine idée de la France
Documentation & Support
La Ve République vue d'ailleurs : Du général de Gaulle à Emmanuel Macron
Documentation & Support
The Incredible Mr. Piccoli
A captivating portrait of French actor Michel Piccoli, who has worked with the greatest filmmakers of his time and has built a dazzling career of remarkable merit and success, focusing on his work during the 1970s and his professional relationship with Claude Sautet, Romy Schneider, Marco Ferreri and Luis Buñuel.
Sigmaringen, le dernier refuge