Kenneth Laugaard Andersen


Editorial Coordinator
O filme questiona nossas percepções e terminologias quando um evento proclamado por alguns como anti-semita é descrito por outros como uma crítica legítima às políticas governamentais de Israel. O filme caminha ao longo da fronteira entre o anti-sionismo, rejeitando a noção de um Estado judeu e o anti-semitismo, rejeitando os judeus. O primeiro está sendo usado para desculpar o último? E existe uma diferença entre o anti-semitismo de hoje e o racismo antigo que afeta todas as minorias?
Three Summers
Editorial Production Assistant
Jørgen lives abroad, but every summer he comes back to Denmark with his wife. He invites, as usual, his neighbours and their teenager son, Thomas, for dinner at his place. Only, this time there is a strange tension in the air between the adults. After dinner, Jørgen and Thomas go to the beach for a walk. They discover that both have secret problems, and the fact they cannot talk about them is creating great stress. As they disclose their secrets to each other, a friendship starts. But through the course of the next two summers their relationship develops in a way they would never have expected.