Luigi Tosi

Luigi Tosi

Nascimento : 1915-07-15, Verona, Italy

Morte : 1989-01-01


Luigi Tosi


Operation Atlantis
Azul (as Gigi Tosi)
An American agent discovers that the Red Chinese have built a secret atomic city from which they will attempt to invade America.
Gli amanti latini
commendator Carrà
The film is composed of five episodes which depict Italians' love lives in the 1960s.
O Dólar Furado
Giuliano Gemma é um soldado que retorna da guerra para lutar uma outra em casa... Sem ele saber, seu irmão se transformou num pistoleiro infame chamado "Black Jack" que derrota os pistoleiros locais. Giuliano Gemma concorda em fazer uma emboscada para matar "Black Jack". E somente aí, que descobre quem realmente é o fora-da-lei. Com vingança no coração, ele se volta contra seus empregadores...
The Stone Forest
The god Wotan gives the young Prince Sigmund of Valhalla and his sister Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries, the task of defending the Petrified Forest. This is threatened by the Vikings (led by the aggressive Hunding), who plans an invasion of the forest in search of the secret treasure of the Nibelung, the possession of which gives one unlimited power. After crossing the border and invading Valhalla, Hunding finds an ally in the daughter of one of Sigmund's loyal followers, Erika, who is embittered by unrequited love. She helps the Vikings raid the camp of the Valhalla residents and kill many warriors. Sigmund swears vengeance and pursues them with the remaining men. However, thanks to other traitors in Sigmund's ranks, Hunding succeeds in capturing him and his fiancée Siglinde, Erika's sister. At the end, Sigmund escapes and, with the help of the Valkiries, succeeds in stopping the invaders and defeating Hunding in a duel.
Gentlemen of the Night
Massimo returns to Venice after years of fighting against the Turks. He finds his beloved Elena, who in the meantime has married the doge who is tyrannizing the city.
The Wonders of Aladdin
Young Aladdin has a series of wild adventures after he discovers a magic lamp containing a genie (Vittorio De Sica).
Terror of the Red Mask
In 16th century Italy, mercenary Marco is hired by cruel duke Astolfo whose unjust reign is threatened by the notorious outlaw the Red Mask.
David e Golias
Benjamin Di Gaba
Adaptação da passagem bíblica sobre o confronto entre David, o rei de Israel e Golias, o gigante. O Rei Saul, rei dos israelitas, está enfrentando uma guerra contra os filisteus sobre a posse da Arca da Aliança. Saul ouviu de seus profetas que haverá um novo rei, tomando seu lugar em seu trono. Na forma de um jovem pastor chamado David. Enquanto isso, David veio para conhecer o exército israelita para conseguir suprimentos para seu irmão e, descobre a presença de Golias, um soldado filisteu de quase três metros de altura, que desafiou qualquer homem do exército israelita para uma batalha homem a homem para decidir quem ganharia a guerra. Destaque para Welles como o rei Saul.
The Pirate and the Slave Girl
When a ship carrying the daughter of Rhodes' governor and secret documents is captured by Mediterranean pirate Dragut, the governor tasks captain Diego with their recovery before they can be sold to Sultan Selim.
The Head of a Tyrant
Il cielo brucia
Il marito
Ernesto Finardi
Alberto's marriage is a complete failure: his wife Elena is a hard woman influenced by her mother and sister who live with the married couple. Alberto is also experiencing financial problems and hopes for the help of a rich widow who is however interested in his sexual favours. Naturally Elena puts obstacles in his way and everything goes wrong. Alberto decides to change job then and becomes a sweets sales representative. Disillusioned with marital life he also changes his attitude towards women: he tells every woman he meets he is single.
Goddess Of Love
The god Zeus sends Venus, the goddess of love, to Earth to find her own true love.
Miracles of Thursday
In Fontecilla, a Spanish village in decline, the mayor and other illustrious citizens hatch a crazy plan to revitalize tourism.
Il cavaliere dalla spada nera
barone Acquaviva
comandante linea di volo
In the military academy of the Nisida Air Force a new course begins which sees among the new recruits called "chicks": Giorgio, forced by his father after he squandered millions at the gaming table; De Montel son of a general, Mario who wants to follow in the footsteps of his father who died in combat; Antonio who declares himself Neapolitan while coming from the province and Ugo who comes from the north.
Il piccolo vetraio
A poor fisherman entrusts his children Piero and Nino for money to the Frenchman Neroni who recruits young men to work in his glass factory.
Don Camillo's Last Round
il Pretore
Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.
Friends for Life
Il padre di Mario
Mario and the new kid Franco gradually become the best of friends, but their friendship is tested when one of them wins a competition.
La trovatella di Milano
Love story set in Milan during the Five Days of 1848.
A Free Woman
Liana, an architecture graduate, is about to get married until she is confronted with the fact she is sacrificing the rest of her life for a man she barely knows. So begins a series of romantic encounters in which Liana tries to find her freedom and happiness, but which will ultimately lead her to a tragic fate.
The Lovers of Manon Lescaut
In the reign of king Louis XV,a handsome student,Des Grieux, meets his charming cousin,Manon,just when she goes to the convent of Amiens,to take the veil.
Casta diva
Felice Romani
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Casanova, Amante Sublime
Set Decoration
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
La Luciana
Mario Coppola
A tale of the complicated Neapolitan lives and loves of Maria and Alberto; her smuggling father Don Gennaro and some espionage.
Three jailbirds - a surgeon, a robber and a wrongly convicted man must adjust to their lives once released from prison.
Il prigioniero del re
Giorgio Venturini's take on the classic "Man in the Iron Mask" story.
A Vingança dos Tughs
Captain Maffertis
Sequência ao Filme: O Mistério da Selva Negra
Mid-Century Loves
Conte Edoardo Savelli
Anthology of tragic love. A noblewoman falls for a commoner. A doctor keeps quiet about his patients' infidelities. Expectant father is sent to fight in WWI. A 1920s fascist enjoys Rome's nightlife. WWII airman falls for a girl in Naples.
O Mistério da Selva Negra
Captain Maffertis
A group of religious fanatics in India, the Tughs, prey upon Europeans and natives alike, capturing and offering them up in sacrifice to their frightful goddess, Kali. The Governor of the Province sends Tremal Naik, a famous Indian hunter,on an expedition to end the savagery.
Loves of Three Queens
Segment: The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships) (uncredited)
At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.
The Treasure of Bengal
Don Fernando
A fun fantasy classic for the entire family! In this exotic adventure, young hero Ainur played by Sabu is living in a remote Hindu village. There he must protect the town treasure, the world's largest ruby, from being stolen.
The Ship of Condemned Women
Fernandez, the Ship's Captain
After murdering her illegitimate baby, Isabella (Tania Weber) pins the blame on her innocent cousin Consuelo (May Britt). Despite the strenuous efforts of her attorney-lover DeSylva (Ettore Manni), Consuelo is found guilty and shipped to a penal colony along with several other female prisoners.
Traviata 53
Il medico
An engineer has a romance with the mistress of a rich banker but she sacrifices herself,returning to the rich man, for the best interests of the lover and his family.
Francis the Smuggler
il "Topo"
A smuggler has to skip town at avoid the pursuing police. The he returns, he falls for the daughter of his disapproving boss - and soon he has murder in mind
The Barbarians
Rome, 1527. Massimo Colonna is in love with Angela, a member of the Orsinis, the Colonnas'arch enemies. As she is officially engaged to Tancredi Serra, the latter, a faithless individual, has Massimo accused of the murder of Prince Orsini whereas he himself has woven it. Massimo is rejected by an outraged Angela and banned from Rome.Meanwhile the Eternal City has to face a brutal attack by armed invaders from Spain. The Spaniards are about to storm Rome when Massimo and his troops appear. The invading forces are defeated and Massimo is acclaimed by the crowd. After clearing his name, he can marry Angela.
The Glorious Avenger
generale Santerre
Il Cavaliere di Maison Rouge is an Italian adventure film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
Solo per te Lucia
Mario Neri
A young mother tries to hide her son from the man who is in love with her.
It's Him!... Yes! Yes!
Fernando, owner of a large chain store, suffers from worrying dreams: he seems to successfully court saucy women, but just as he is about to win them over, a youngster comes on the scene and steals them from under his nose.
A Ilha da Bagunça
Le lieutenant Jack Frazer
Stan herda um iate e uma ilha do Pacífico Sul. Ollie e Stan navegam para lá com outros dois homens. Eles naufragaram em um novo atol e se estabeleceram ali. Uma ex-noiva se junta a eles. Eles declaram uma nação independente e surgem problemas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
La grande rinuncia
The Forbidden Christ
Freshly released from a Russian POW camp, Italian soldier Raf Vallone tries to discover who betrayed his brother to the Nazis.
Pact with the Devil
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
The Flame that Never Dies
Giovanni Manfredi
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
The Earth Cries Out
David Taumen
Two Jews and their former British comrade land on opposite sides of the Palestine issue following World War II.
City of Pain
The city of Pola is being evacuated after the peace conference of 1947 decided to assign the sovereignty to Tito's Yugoslavia. However the main character decides to stay, thinking that Communism might bring him a better future. Life turns to be hard for him and his family until he changes his mind, but he is killed before he can leave the country.
Legge di sangue
"Law of Blood" - Rosa has been engaged for years with Antonio. But Antonio is in the military service and Rosa is seduced by Alberto. Returning to the village, Antonio learns what happened during his absence.
Tombolo, paradiso nero
Casello n. 3
Fiori d'arancio
A young newlywed receives an unexpected visit from his parents, who know nothing about his marriage.