

Raat Jaga Phool
A murder is committed in a village without any clue left behind. However, there is a man with an unnatural power of understanding animals and their language in the village. He starts to unravel the mystery of the murder with the help of his unnatural power.
Call Of The Red Rooster
Samsuddin Khan
The story of freedom-loving people dreaming of an independent Bangladesh.
Made in Bangladesh
Garment's Owner
Shimu, 23 anos, trabalha numa fábrica de têxteis em Daca, Bangladesh. Face a condições de trabalho cada vez mais duras, decide criar um sindicato com as suas colegas. Apesar das ameaças dos patrões e desaprovação do marido, nada demove Shimu. Ela e as suas companheiras terão de lutar juntas até ao fim.
Komola Rocket
A manifestation of lives of people coming from different classes and beliefs in a steamer as they set out for their journeys. Things start to get out of hand when the steamer gets stuck amidst the passage and deepest secrets and desires start to unfold.
Mohua Sundori
Milon Mia
A woman essays the role of a dancer in a play. Things turn interesting when she connects with the character on a personal level and falls in love with the man who essays another role in the play.
Amader Golpo
Four friends reunite for a school reunion after 7 years. All of them are looking for their closest friend, Nivreet, and hasn't replied to them in seven years.
A story in the life of a woman who is forced to forge an independent life for herself