The World Famous *BoB*


Known for her over the top blonde bombshell image and incredible ability to mix martinis in her cleavage, World Famous*BOB* has captivated audiences all over the world with her unique burlesque stylings, humorous performance art, and hosting skills. She has been photographed by hundreds of photographers including Patrick McMullan, Mario Testino, and David LaChapelle. *BOB* appears in several books including Hotel LaChapelle, New Burlesque, Striptease: From Gaslight to Spotlight, Burlesque: The New Bump and Grind, Domestic Burlesque, The Brooklynites, The Velvet Hammer Burlesque and The Burlesque Handbook to name just a few.


Nefertitty in Space
Albino Queen from Aberdeen
Nefertitty is back! In her most far out adventure ever as she blasts off into space to save the human race from the craziest cracker of them all; The Albino Queen from Aberdeen. Will Nefertitty be able to save the day before she becomes a zombie albino clone?
The Little House That Could
A group of young lost rebellious outsiders are given a home in New York City by Emmy Award-winning fashion stylist, Patricia Field, and together take on the world, changing it forever. Field, has done a lot more than Sex and the City. She has spent several decades saving lives and giving hope to lost outsiders who society frowned upon--transsexuals, club kids, drag queens, gay teenagers, butch-dykes, people who needed to escape from their hometowns because they were never understood. This is the story of a close-knit unconventional family in New York that has single-handedly changed music and fashion for the world several times over. Toronto filmmaker, Mars Roberge, has spent a decade becoming one with them so that their story could be told. In doing so, he becomes part of their family.
Beth B takes us into the 21st century underground and reveals a secret world where cutting-edge performers are taking hold of a taboo art form, Burlesque, and driving it to extremes that most people have never seen. It's satire. It's parody. It's a populist blend of art and entertainment that gives new meaning to the word "transgression." Above all, it's a lot of fun, and it will blow your mind.
The Houseboy
Kitty Clause
Ricky fica sozinho tomando conta da casa de dois homens com quem divide a cama, quando estes partem para férias. Quando descobre que a sua relação com eles está prestes a terminar, tenta encontrar algum contato humano através de paquera na Internet e sexo anônimo. Sentindo-se só e isolado, contempla a sua vida e acaba por encontrar um amigo por quem vale a pena viver. Mas será tarde demais?
The World Famous *BoB*
Sofia (Sook-Yin Lee) é uma terapeuta de casais que nunca teve um orgasmo. Entre seus pacientes estão James (Paul Dawson) e Jamie (PH DeBoy), que mantém uma relação que começa a dar passos maiores. Há ainda Severin (Lindsay Beamish), uma dominatrix que mantém sua vida em segredo e não se abre para as pessoas. Eles se encontram regularmente no Shortbus, um clube underground onde arte, música, política e sexo se misturam.
Ouro Branco
The World Famous Brucie B (as Bruce Robinson)
Rap, carrões, blusões de couro espalhafatosos e muita grana no bolso. O Harlem ferve enquanto os traficantes enriquecem do dia para a noite. O ouro branco modifica as pessoas, transformando o atendente de lavanderia Ace em chefão das drogas. Ace entra para o mundo do crime sem desconfiar que a partir daí sua vida já não vale mais nada. Ele conta agora com a sorte, já que despertou em seus amigos um sentimento nada nobre: a ganância.
Lord of the Cockrings
A bizarre sexual spoof of Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy where a nerdy New Jersey computer programmer named Scroto Baggins is chosen to save Middle Earth from its untimely doom.