15 years after a global apocalypse, mankind is on the verge of extinction. Civilisation no longer exists, food is scarce and most eke out a living by stealing and killing. One boy clings onto life in the desolate British countryside, where staying away from others has been key to his survival. But this self-imposed isolation comes to an abrupt end when he crosses paths with another group of survivors and faces an enemy far more savage than any of them could imagine.
A gritty prison scene between two rival inmates in a cell that could be more sinister then the inmates.
A história de um homem obcecado em controlar cada aspecto da sua vida, tentando manter, a todo o
custo, o perfeito equilíbrio e simetria da realidade que o circunda. Mas, tal como no dominó, basta uma
peça tombar para que tudo o resto caia por terra. The story of a man obsessed with controlling every aspect of his life, trying to keep a perfect balance and
symmetry in his surroundings at all costs. Yet, in his domino of a life, it only takes one piece to fall over for the
whole set to come tumbling down.
Clayton Eldridge
Um jornalista tenta desesperadamente encontrar sua noiva desaparecida e finalmente descobre a verdade por trás de um folclore sinistro, levando-o a um perigoso caminho.
Sauna Bench Guy
A fairy tale. Set in a gay sauna. With zombies.