Kanako Chino


Ring Wandering
Makeup Artist
In central Tokyo, a young man, Sosuke, aspires to be a manga artist. His current work is about a battle between a hunter and a Japanese wolf. He can’t draw the extinct wolf well and struggles to develop the story. One winter’s day, Sosuke finds an animal’s skull while digging foundations at a construction site and takes it home. Is it a Japanese wolf’s skull?
Don't Cry, Mr. Ogre
What was once a superlative varsity baseball coach is now a jaded middle-aged man. He and a former student meet and the older man discovers that his now married pupil is afflicted with terminal cancer. Full of regrets of how he once treated the student the man ponders how to make it up to the man whom he once coached
The Albino's Trees
Makeup & Hair
A poignant moral dilemma unfolding against lush mountainous landscapes, The Albino’s Trees follows Yuku (Ryohei Matsuoka), an animal control hunter who takes on a lucrative job to kill a rare white deer considered to be a god of the forest by a nearby village. Though Yuku initially steps up to the task in order to support his mother’s medical bills, his will begins to falter as he gets to know the villagers and the reasons behind their difficult choice to live as outsiders.