Regina Khomskaya

Nascimento : 1960-06-25,


Mariya - O Simbolo de Uma Guerra
Costume Design
Um emocionante drama de guerra que conta a história de Maria Petrova, em cujo destino, como em um espelho, o destino do país se refletiu: a filha de um padre, que renunciou ao pai e à fé, ela serve no NKVD. Na véspera da batalha por Moscou, Maria conhece a vidente anciã Matrona, e logo é Maria quem é encarregada de entregar a Moscou o ícone milagroso da Mãe de Deus, localizado atrás da linha de frente no território ocupado.
Anybody Seen My Girl?
Costume Design
Sergei and Kira were considered the most beautiful bohemian couple among cinema lovers of Saint Petersburg in the early 90’s. Their fantastic love affair ended with Kira leaving town, fleeing for new life, new relationship. Sergei has died shortly after. Only after a few years does Kira realize that she never stopped loving Sergei. And that she’s doomed to stay in a neverending dialogue with a dead lover.
The Lenin Factor
Costume Design
Having dedicated his life to the preparation of the revolution in the Russian Empire, Vladimir Lenin, living in exile in Switzerland, desperately seeks a way back to Russia to take control. Options are few when Lenin receives an offer from Alexander Parvus, the most infamous of political opportunists, who has made a deal with Germany to sponsor the revolution under Lenin’s command and smuggle Lenin and his comrades into Russia. Aware that making a deal with 2 devils could cost him everything, Lenin knows he must outsmart and outmaneuver Parvus and the Germans at any cost...
Costume Design
A well-known civil servant from the Mayor's Office in a provincial Russian town receives a note: You'll soon die. He takes no notice, and gets ready for his normal Sunday – family problems, his personal life, work, other matters… But this Sunday turns out very far from normal. From the very start things come crashing down, smiting everything in its path, including all plans, external composure, and even his own life.
A Girl with a Scythe
Costume Design
On New Year Eve a girl with a scythe is going through winter Moscow. Who is she looking for?..
Light Up!
Costume Design
Alevtina Romanova is a warden in the woman's colony, and the only thing that is different from her «iron lady» image is her voice - a voice which even a notable opera diva would envy. However, Alevtina has been ashamed of her talent since the times she was a kid and nowadays, preliminarily making sure no one's around, she rarely sings for herself. Despite the fact that Alevtina is trying to stay invisible, one of the prisoners secretly records her singing on video by a cellphone and puts it online. The tape becomes a real sensation, and soon Alevtina is invited to Moscow to participate in the main singing show on national television. A sincere desire to change her life awakens inside Alevtina but she's not ready to compete in the show at all. The only person who could train her voice and prepare her for the performance is that very prisoner, who recorded the video, who turns out to be a singer in the past.
Costume Design
At the center of the story is the relationship of a young mother with her 14-year-old daughter, who actually considers her mother to be an older sister, and her grandparents - real parents.
In a Love Access Zone
Costume Design
Nine Days and One Morning
Costume Design
A story of adoption told without glamour and hypocrisy that usually accompanies this topic.Anna is a top model, who was adopted by a French couple as a child. She returns to her hometown with a charity mission from France.A story of an orphan turned princess becomes a legend in her native provincial town. Anna gets treated like royal person and everyone expects miracles from herAnna is confused and cannot understand what all these people want from her. She is used to a calm and logical western lifestyle. Her home is France, in Russia she is a guest. Horrified, she watches her photographer boyfriend Michelle, admire incomprehensible Russian mentality
Goodbye Mom
Costume Design
A story about a chance encounter that momentarily destroyed a successful and happy family life. All of a sudden the woman found passion and desire more important than her loving husband and cherished child. The father and son suffer from the realization that they are no longer needed, but try to understand and forgive. The woman, who failed to become happy, is in turmoil.
The Funeral Party
Costume Design
Based on the novel by Booker Prize Winner Ludmila Ulitskaya, The Funeral Party is set in August 1991. In a sweltering New York City apartment, a group of Russian émigrés gathers round the deathbed of an artist named Alik, a charismatic character beloved by them all, especially the women who take turns nursing him as he fades from this world. Their reminiscences of the dying man and of their lives in Russia are punctuated by debates and squabbles: Whom did Alik love most? Should he be baptized before he dies, as his alcoholic wife, Nina, desperately wishes, or be reconciled to the faith of his birth by a rabbi who happens to be on hand? And what will be the meaning for them of the Yeltsin putsch, which is happening across the world in their long-lost Moscow but also right before their eyes on CNN?
Costume Design
Based on A. Galych's play "Matrosskaya Tishina", "Papa" tells a story of a Jewish father who dreamed of seeing his son perform on a stage in front of huge audiences, he dreamed of seeing him as the greatest violinist of his time. To achieve the goal he taught his son Dodik how to play the violin from the yearly age. When Dodik grew up he left the small town he and his father lived in to study in the Moscow Conservatory leaving his past behind. But one day he has to choose either to loose his father or everything he has achieved.
Bless the Woman
Costume Design
Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military officer who is visiting from out of town. She leaves her home and family to live with him in various military posts where he serves with the army. Through the difficulties of army life, and years of war, her love for this older man survives, and she gives herself completely without reservation. This film is about friendship, loss, survival, loyalty, and the wonderful gift of unconditional love, which is only given to a few.