Giovanni Pompili


I Don't Understand You
Executive Producer
An American couple, on the verge of adopting a baby, goes on an Italian vacation — an opportunity to reconnect before the new addition arrives. Everything is picture-perfect; the epitome of a European baby moon, when things begin to spiral out of control. On the way to dinner, they get their rental car stuck in a ditch and are stranded in rural nowhere in a downpour. These two Americans, who are used to being catered to, are now in a foreign land without service, an Italian language comprehension of about zero, and clear relationship turmoil that could explode at any minute. Fear obviously takes over.
Marcelo, 50 years old, has dedicated his life to teaching philosophy at the Public University and suddenly his mentor and boss, Professor Caselli, dies. Disoriented in this new landscape, Marcelo assumes that he will inherit the position left vacant by his mentor. What he doesn't expect is that Rafael Sujarchuk, a charismatic and pedantic philosopher trained in the best European universities, also covets the position. Between his multiple jobs as a philosophy professor in the local slums, at the university and privately with an 80-year-old millionaire, he must also prepare to run for office against this strong opponent who seems to have everyone on his side. Marcelo's clumsy efforts don't seem to be enough to get the job, but is that really what he wants?
Osso, is a volunteer watching over the Delta. A group of poachers arrive there and he tries to maintain peace but the criminal offences of Elia's gang and residents' hostility force him to face the scariest ghost from his past.
Letter to My Mother for My Son
Carla está grávida e nua, exatamente como nas fotos de sua mãe quando estava grávida dela. Uma jovem viaja dos anos 1960 até os dias de hoje, passando pelos anos 1980, cruzando os limites da feminilidade e da história, até encontrar Carla grávida sob o céu azul da costa catalã.
Silent Land
A perfect couple rents a holiday home on a sunny Italian island. The reality does not live up to their expectations when they find out that the pool in the house is broken. Ignorant of the fact that the island faces water shortage, they ask for someone to fix it. The constant presence of a stranger invades the couple's idea of safety and starts a chain of events, which makes them act instinctively and irrationally, heading to the darkest place in their relationship.
A vida de uma família que cultiva pêssegos em uma pequena vila na Catalunha muda quando o proprietário de sua grande propriedade morre e seu herdeiro decide vender a terra, ameaçando de repente seu sustento.
My Body
Oscar, not quite a child anymore, scavenges for scrap metal for his father. He spends his life in improvised landfills among what remains of leftovers. Worlds apart, yet close-by, there is Stanley. He tidies the church in exchange for a monetised hospitality, picks fruits, herds sheep: anything that keep his foreign body busy. Oscar, the young Sicilian, and Stanley the Nigerian don’t seem to have much in common. Except for the feeling of being thrown into the world, to suffer the same refusal, the same overwhelming wave of choices imposed on them by others.
Ermanno e Lena não se conhecem. Lena veio da Polônia para vender seu bebê, e Ermanno finge ser o pai para que possa dar o recém-nascido ao seu tio. Enquanto Lena rejeita seu instinto maternal, Ermanno começa a assumir seu papel como se fosse o verdadeiro pai de Sole.
Those Who Remain
Om El Khir is a real fighter. Her husband has disappeared. One morning, he left on a boat for Europe and she has since received no evidence on whether he is dead or alive. Alone with her three children, in her empty and white apartment in the surroundings of Tunis, she bravely takes charge of a day-to-day life changed forever by the absence of her husband.
Kentannos. May You Live To Be 100!
In Costa Rica, Panchita has just turned 109 and hopes for a visit from two of her children: Pablo, 93 years old, and Calixto, 88 years old. Sarita, who is 93, has no hesitation in confessing her love for Denis, a young policeman. Pachito’s daughter, fearing that something may happen to her 98-year-old father, tries to prohibit him from continuing horse-riding. In Sardinia, for his 93rd birthday, Adolfo wants to fulfil his dream of flying a plane. In Okinawa, Tomi, 93 years old, cannot recover from the death of her first son. Her friend Haru, who is 98, encourages her to return to the pop group formed of the island’s grandmothers.
Rocio is 20 years old and has been detained in an identification and expulsion center in Rome, pending deportation to her country of origin. During her detention Rocio has become pregnant, but she is unwilling to reveal how or with whom this has happened, preferring to remain silent. By law, pregnant women cannot be detained. So Rocio is released, four months into her pregnancy and with a temporary permit of stay on maternity grounds. Now she is free, but must also go ahead with an unwanted pregnancy.
Beautiful Summer
Set during a “beautiful summer” in Turin in 1938, against the backdrop of Fascist-era Italy’s subsequent entry into World War II. sees the 18-year-old Cassell as the uninhibited model Amelia. She introduces her younger friend Ginia to a world of bohemian artists where she will fall in love for the first time.