Pascal Judelewicz


O Grito das Leoas
Em algum lugar no Kosovo, três mulheres decidem fugir de suas vidas cotidianas para perseguir seus sonhos e ambições maiores. Entre eles: formar uma banda.
Q Sexual Desire
Em um contexto social deteriorado por uma crise econômica que envolve todo o país, a vida de várias pessoas virará de cabeça para baixo depois de conhecer Cecile, uma personagem que simboliza o desejo.
A Sorte do Vinicultor
Na França do século 19, um camponês tenta criar o vinho perfeito enquanto lida com seu amor por duas mulheres. Felizmente ele tem um anjo ao seu lado.
A Sorte do Vinicultor
Na França do século 19, um camponês tenta criar o vinho perfeito enquanto lida com seu amor por duas mulheres. Felizmente ele tem um anjo ao seu lado.
It's Gradiva Who Is Calling You
Le photographe
An English historian travels to Morocco to work on a study of the painter Delacroix. He hears of a rare series of engravings and embarks on a search for them that takes him through the mysterious streets of the ancient medina. He becomes obsessed with the figure of a beautiful blond woman dressed in white that he sees there. but it appears that she may have died years before.
La méthode Bourchnikov
Beyond the Ocean
Journey of an african migrant through Europe.
The supermarket cashier
Sophie and Olivier are a couple leading a straightforward life. They’re bakers in Paris and their lives are regulated by the constraints of their job. Sophie gets the feeling that her husband is no longer really interested in her. They then read a personal ad pinned to their bakery’s notice board and get in touch with Paul and Colette, a rather strange couple who want to sell their holiday home. They buy the house – without even taking a look at it first – little knowing that it’s located in a nudist colony.
O Vulcão Ginostra
Executive Producer
Matt Benson é um agente do FBI que é enviado para Sicília, na Itália, para investigar o assassinato de uma família vítima de um atentado terrorista, cujo único sobrevivente é o menino Ettore, de 11 anos de idade. Preocupado com a segurança do garoto, ele resolve trazê-lo para sua bela casa, localizada de frente para o vulcão Ginostra, onde vive com sua mulher Jessie e uma filha de cinco anos. Matt só não sabia que, ao abrir a porta de sua casa para a única testemunha daquele crime brutal estava também transformando sua vida num verdadeiro iferno. Um inferno cujas matérias primas são o perigo, o medo e o inesperado despertar do vulcão, cujas chamas ameaçam a vida de todos.
Andre starts as a teacher in a remote mountain village in Albania. His first task is to choose one of two communist slogans. He picks the shorter one, which is appreciated by his class, because they have to build the slogan on the hillside using whitewashed rocks. However, this means that the longer slogan goes to Diana, the French teacher to whom Andre is attracted. Andre gets on the wrong side of the communist party boss of the village, when he stands up for an unjustly accused goat herdsman, whom he had befriended. The boss is determined to take his revenge on Andre.
Fama Para Todos
Jean (Josse De Pauw) trabalha numa fábrica e sustenta a família. Seu sonho, entretanto, é ser compositor e para isso ele aposta no talento de Marva (Eva van der Gucht), sua filha. Ele insiste em fazê-la ensaiar e a leva a todos os concursos para amadores que acontecem. Com alguns quilinhos a mais e sem voz para ser cantora, a jovem não faz o sucesso esperado, mas, quando se vê desempregado, Jean não consegue ver outra solução senão apostar todas as suas fichas na carreira artística da filha. Num encontro fortuito, seqüestra a cantora mais famosa do país e pede em resgate que Marva cante em rede de TV.
The Liars
Zac is a well-respected French filmmaker who creates a major uproar when for no apparent reason he suddenly vanishes from his posh Parisian apartment leaving behind his lover Helene, a popular star. Marcus, his producer searches for eight months before locating Zac who has since become a homeless street bum in an expensive neighborhood. Marcus sends Zac to a posh hotel. He then sends Daisy, an ambitious secretary and aspiring screenwriter to learn what happened to the great director. It takes a lot of mutual verbal sparring and false turns (which are presented as creatively filmed vignettes that are done using a variety of techniques) from Zac before he finally tells her the truth. The two then decide to turn the story into a film. As they write, Daisy and Zac slowly fall in love. At the same time, Marcus has his hands full trying to avoid some tough Russian Mafiosos who want the money they invested back.
The Chess Game
In 19th century, a disillusioned priest helps a young boy drifter who's a chess wunderkind to move on up in life and social structures using his talent. Years later, he's a success, but game of life and love has higher stakes than chess.
Sex at the Bar
Assistant Director
Longtime friends Marc and Hubert are successful CEOs in their 50s married to beautiful women. When they begin to doubt their power of seduction, they send their wives on a trip together and start seducing other women, which leads to some sexual escapades. Rejuvenated, they join their wives, but their holiday is quickly disrupted by the intrusion of young sexy campers who bring a wind of erotic freedom and teach the older couples to reevaluate their lives.