Focus Puller
Em 1327, William de Baskerville, um monge franciscano, e Adso von Melk, um noviço que o acompanha, chegam a um remoto mosteiro no norte da Itália. William de Baskerville pretende participar de um conclave para decidir se a Igreja deve doar parte de suas riquezas, mas a atenção é desviada por vários assassinatos que acontecem no mosteiro. William de Baskerville começa a investigar o caso, que se mostra bastante intrincando, além dos mais religiosos acreditarem que é obra do Demônio. William de Baskerville não partilha desta opinião, mas antes que ele conclua as investigações Bernardo Gui (F. Murray Abraham), o Grão-Inquisidor, chega no local e está pronto para torturar qualquer suspeito de heresia que tenha cometido assassinatos em nome do Diabo. Considerando que ele não gosta de Baskerville, ele é inclinado a colocá-lo no topo da lista dos que são diabolicamente influenciados.
Assistant Camera
Roberto Razzi, skeptical and convinced atheist, is the conductor of the Futuro program, in which he unmasks the most common tricks and deceptions that make the miracle cry out to everyone.
Assistant Camera
Pietro Marchetti, a mature Roman taxi driver, has countless and interesting meetings while he is on duty with his car "Zara 87".
Assistant Camera
The marquess of Grillo is a good-natured, clever and women-loving man who is always inventing stories and cracking all types of jokes. The film tells the story of his life.
Assistant Camera
An episodic satire of the political and social status of Italy in the seventies, through the shows of one day of a television channel. An English language lesson turns into a killing of a black dignitary of an embassy by a CIA agent and then into his own killing by another colleague. In a television film, the police are befooled by a fake bomb and put a real one in order not to be derided by the public. In a film inquisition show, the bishop of Naples speaks highly of the importance of the family, but a child who lives a miserable family life kills himself. In the debate that follows it is proposed that they should eat the children, as Swift had said. In the next episode, a general who is in the toilet is called for the NATO parade, but the flasher breaks and in his effort to fix it, he dirts allover and kills himself. In a children's show an inspector finds excuses and delays the arrest of a powerful man...
Assistant Camera
Set in Fascist Italy before the outbreak of World War II, the story centers on Tunin, a farmer turned anarchist who stays in a brothel while preparing to kill Benito Mussolini. There he falls in love with one of the whores.