Yuli Toshev


Amor em Tempos de Guerra
Chef de camp
O filme tem o seu início na primavera de 42, em Paris, Jean e Philippe arriscam as suas vidas para ajudar Sarah, uma amiga de infância de Jean que é judia e cuja família foi assassinada pela Gestapo. Jean é o grande amor de Sarah, mas ele é homossexual e apaixonado por Philippe, membro da resistência francesa. Mesmo assim, os três conseguem manter uma relação harmoniosa, até que entra em cena o irmão de Jean, colaborador dos nazistas. Quando Jean é falsamente acusado de manter um caso com um oficial alemão, começa a descida ao inferno sob o signo do triângulo rosa.
Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail the world, and Martha, the button obsessed cashier, to maintain the illusion for Anton's blind father that business is thriving. Working to sabotage their efforts is Gregor - Anton's brother - an amoral developer who is determined to raze the entire town and construct a sprawling condominium complex. Gregor engineers an accident that seems certain to doom the business and in the process steals away Eva, the beautiful woman of Anton's dreams. Will Gregor's dastardly plan succeed?
Adio, Rio
Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.
The Nearby Distance