Alex R. Wagner

Alex R. Wagner

Nascimento : 1991-02-23, DeKalb, Illinois, USA


Alex R. Wagner is a producer and distribution partner at Env Pictures, a New York start-up and independent television station. He co-founded the New York–based sketch comedy group and show The Egos. In 2017, a spinoff series called The Holidays was greenlit which airs daily on Amazon Prime and Social Media Platforms.


Alex R. Wagner
Alex R. Wagner


Christmas In Florida
A canceled Thanksgiving parade and no options professionally or personally, Kimberly DiPersia and Alex R. Wagner decide it would be a perfect opportunity to travel to Florida.
Christmas In Florida
A canceled Thanksgiving parade and no options professionally or personally, Kimberly DiPersia and Alex R. Wagner decide it would be a perfect opportunity to travel to Florida.
Christmas In Florida
A canceled Thanksgiving parade and no options professionally or personally, Kimberly DiPersia and Alex R. Wagner decide it would be a perfect opportunity to travel to Florida.
Christmas In Florida
A canceled Thanksgiving parade and no options professionally or personally, Kimberly DiPersia and Alex R. Wagner decide it would be a perfect opportunity to travel to Florida.
Christmas In Florida
A canceled Thanksgiving parade and no options professionally or personally, Kimberly DiPersia and Alex R. Wagner decide it would be a perfect opportunity to travel to Florida.
The Mimic
Production Assistant
Based on a true story, ‘the Narrator’ is befriended by his young new neighbor, after he joins the local newspaper team. Obsessed with the idea that ‘the Kid’ may be a sociopath, ‘the Narrator’ goes to extreme lengths to uncover the truth about him. After unsettling rendezvous, the truth he finds is anything but what he expected.
Light From the Tower
A costume designer is sent to the Catskills for an interactive theatre piece set in the 1920s. When she arrives things seem dark, strange and off. She soon realizes she is part of a student film.
Light From the Tower
Costume Guy
A costume designer is sent to the Catskills for an interactive theatre piece set in the 1920s. When she arrives things seem dark, strange and off. She soon realizes she is part of a student film.
Light From the Tower
A costume designer is sent to the Catskills for an interactive theatre piece set in the 1920s. When she arrives things seem dark, strange and off. She soon realizes she is part of a student film.
The Cat and the Moon
Production Assistant
Nick comes to New York to temporarily live with a jazz musician friend of his late father's named Cal while his mom is in rehab. During his time in the city, he befriends a group of kids who show him what New York has to offer.
Crime Sem Saída
Production Secretary
Um detetive da polícia de Nova Iorque recebe um complexo desafio no trabalho: ele precisa achar e prender um assassino de policiais que está à solta na cidade. Realizar a prisão do criminoso implicaria em recuperar a honra que ele perdeu durante algumas tarefas mal executadas nos últimos anos. No entanto, quanto mais ele avança na investigação mais ele percebe que os assassinatos se tratam de uma conspiração assombrosa entre criminosos e membros da própria polícia .
Vingadores: Ultimato
Production Secretary
Após os eventos devastadores de "Vingadores: Guerra Infinita", o universo está em ruínas devido aos esforços do Titã Louco, Thanos. Com a ajuda de aliados remanescentes, os Vingadores devem se reunir mais uma vez a fim de desfazer as ações de Thanos e restaurar a ordem no universo de uma vez por todas, não importando as consequências.
Quando Você Chegou
Production Assistant
Um hipocondríaco americano que trabalha como carregador de bagagem é forçado a enfrentar seus medos quando um adolescente britânico com uma doença terminal o convoca para ajudá-la a cumprir sua lista de desejos excêntricos.
Theresa & Allison
In this dark, depraved spinoff of the 21st Century Demon Hunter universe a one night stand turns disastrous as Theresa finds herself drawn into a world of inhuman savagery, all the while tempted by the beautiful and immortal Allison.
A Namorada do Meu Irmão
Art Department Assistant
Os irmãos Jack e Oliver se reúnem para colocar seu amado cachorro para dormir. Enquanto sua mãe doida planeja uma festa para celebrar a vida de Stella, as coisas dão errado quando os irmãos descobrem que amam a mesma garota.
Oito Mulheres e um Segredo
Costume Assistant
Cinco anos, oito meses, 12 dias... em contagem regressiva. Este foi o tempo que Debbie Ocean levou para preparar o maior assalto da sua vida. Ela sabe que precisará de uma equipe com as melhores do métier, a começar pela sua parceira de crimes Lou Miller. Juntas, elas recrutam um grupo de especialistas: a joalheira Amita, a vigarista Constance, a especialista em receptação Tammy, a hacker Nine Ball e a estilista Rose. O alvo é US$ 150 milhões de dólares em diamantes... diamantes que estarão no pescoço da atriz mundialmente famosa Daphne Kluger, na grande atração no evento do ano, o Met Gala. O plano é sólido como uma rocha, mas tudo precisará ser perfeito para a equipe conseguir entrar e escapar com os diamantes. Tudo absolutamente à vista.
86 & Lex
Two displaced ex lovers navigate the lonely streets of New York City in search for a definition to describe what their relationship once was.
86 & Lex
Two displaced ex lovers navigate the lonely streets of New York City in search for a definition to describe what their relationship once was.
Um Detetive Em Chinatown 2
Set Decorating Coordinator
O neto do maior mafioso da comunidade de Chinatown em Nova York está desaparecido. Qin Feng (Haoran Liu) então se junta novamente ao seu primo Tang Ren (Baoqiang Wang) para investigar o caso.
Perfeita Pra Você
Production Assistant
A história de Abbie e Sam, almas gêmeas que estavam destinadas a ficar juntos até que a morte se interpusesse.
O Rei do Show
Costume Assistant
De origem humilde e desde a infância sonhando com um mundo mágico, P.T. Barnum desafia as barreiras sociais se casando com a filha do patrão do pai e dá o pontapé inicial na realização de seu maior desejo abrindo uma espécie de museu de curiosidades. O empreendimento fracassa, mas ele logo vislumbra uma ousada saída: produzir um grande show estrelado por freaks, fraudes, bizarrices e rejeitados de todos os tipos.
The 312
A transformative unconventional story blending coming-of-age cinema verite in a deep personal tale of weightloss struggles and love. Based on the true relationships of Chicago natives in the two years leading up to the historic world series win.
The 312
A transformative unconventional story blending coming-of-age cinema verite in a deep personal tale of weightloss struggles and love. Based on the true relationships of Chicago natives in the two years leading up to the historic world series win.
The 312
A transformative unconventional story blending coming-of-age cinema verite in a deep personal tale of weightloss struggles and love. Based on the true relationships of Chicago natives in the two years leading up to the historic world series win.
The 312
A transformative unconventional story blending coming-of-age cinema verite in a deep personal tale of weightloss struggles and love. Based on the true relationships of Chicago natives in the two years leading up to the historic world series win.
Phone Sex
An experimental film interpreting direct language used by a couple in real life trying to have phone sex for the first time.
Phone Sex
An experimental film interpreting direct language used by a couple in real life trying to have phone sex for the first time.
Phone Sex
An experimental film interpreting direct language used by a couple in real life trying to have phone sex for the first time.
Phone Sex
An experimental film interpreting direct language used by a couple in real life trying to have phone sex for the first time.
Love Is a Broadway Hit
Production Assistant
Two Asian performers attempting to make it in New York City are brought together by serendipity, only to become rivals vying for the lead role of Mulan on Broadway.
Clive Davis: Nosso Ritmo
Production Assistant
Este documentário retrata a carreira de 50 anos de Clive Davis, um dos maiores produtores musicais do mundo.
Deer in the Headlight
A high school senior struggles to find an identity among a generation of the unidentifiable. Accompanied by his friends, Trent embarks on a journey of self-discovery and understanding from his small town in rural Illinois.
Deer in the Headlight
A high school senior struggles to find an identity among a generation of the unidentifiable. Accompanied by his friends, Trent embarks on a journey of self-discovery and understanding from his small town in rural Illinois.
Deer in the Headlight
A high school senior struggles to find an identity among a generation of the unidentifiable. Accompanied by his friends, Trent embarks on a journey of self-discovery and understanding from his small town in rural Illinois.
Deer in the Headlight
A high school senior struggles to find an identity among a generation of the unidentifiable. Accompanied by his friends, Trent embarks on a journey of self-discovery and understanding from his small town in rural Illinois.
The Blackout Files
Eight young high school students who are recording a friends birthday party in 2007 but soon what once was normal isn't any longer. As the students scramble to survive they unravel the mystery of what is going on around them.
The Blackout Files
Eight young high school students who are recording a friends birthday party in 2007 but soon what once was normal isn't any longer. As the students scramble to survive they unravel the mystery of what is going on around them.
The Blackout Files
Eight young high school students who are recording a friends birthday party in 2007 but soon what once was normal isn't any longer. As the students scramble to survive they unravel the mystery of what is going on around them.
The Blackout Files
Eight young high school students who are recording a friends birthday party in 2007 but soon what once was normal isn't any longer. As the students scramble to survive they unravel the mystery of what is going on around them.
The Blackout Files
Eight young high school students who are recording a friends birthday party in 2007 but soon what once was normal isn't any longer. As the students scramble to survive they unravel the mystery of what is going on around them.
The Blackout Files
Eight young high school students who are recording a friends birthday party in 2007 but soon what once was normal isn't any longer. As the students scramble to survive they unravel the mystery of what is going on around them.