A cada ano, milhares de menores estrangeiros desacompanhados chegam à Bélgica. A maioria deles procura asilo, como Sahil, um garoto afegão de 15 anos. Depois de passar por vários centros por quase um ano, Sahil se juntou a uma família anfitriã. Essa nova estrutura é a esperança de uma vida mais estável enquanto aguarda o veredito do Departamento de Imigração.
Out Skerries is a minuscule archipelago of the United Kingdom located in Scotland, to the east of the Shetland Islands, in the middle of the North Sea. A few years ago, the fish farm—the island’s main economic resource and the only company offering the possibility of a job—went bankrupt. Then the government closed the secondary school. The archipelago’s population went from 70 to about 20 inhabitants… Julie Powis Arthur is one of the women who remained. Her husband, then her eldest son, had to leave their house for the Mainland and only rarely come back.
Out Skerries is a minuscule archipelago of the United Kingdom located in Scotland, to the east of the Shetland Islands, in the middle of the North Sea. A few years ago, the fish farm—the island’s main economic resource and the only company offering the possibility of a job—went bankrupt. Then the government closed the secondary school. The archipelago’s population went from 70 to about 20 inhabitants… Julie Powis Arthur is one of the women who remained. Her husband, then her eldest son, had to leave their house for the Mainland and only rarely come back.
Out Skerries is a minuscule archipelago of the United Kingdom located in Scotland, to the east of the Shetland Islands, in the middle of the North Sea. A few years ago, the fish farm—the island’s main economic resource and the only company offering the possibility of a job—went bankrupt. Then the government closed the secondary school. The archipelago’s population went from 70 to about 20 inhabitants… Julie Powis Arthur is one of the women who remained. Her husband, then her eldest son, had to leave their house for the Mainland and only rarely come back.
Third Assistant Director
Todo verão, Luce, uma excêntrica pintora com seus 50 anos, gasta seu tempo em um pequeno e isolado município, que está em ruínas no sul da França, rodeado por convidados. Este verão em particular, os seus convidados são Max Bernier (uma antiga paixão e um autor alcoólatra), seu amante atual (um advogado chamado Bisorgueil), e três amigos dele que ela ainda não conhece: Rhino, Gros e Alex. Depois de terminar as suas compras na cidade, estes três incógnitas atacam um caminhão blindado e fogem com 250 kg de ouro. Eles, então, voltam para a casa de Luce, contando com ela para ocultá-los até o fim do verão…