Judge Kimball
Um jovem ambicioso com talento para manipular as pessoas com algumas palavras bem escolhidas se encontra com uma psiquiatra que é ainda mais perigosa do que ele.
Tom Dougherty
Um homem tenta resolver o mistério do desaparecimento de sua namorada neste conto erótico de amor, traição e obsessão inspirado no conto de fadas dos Irmãos Grimm "João e Maria".
Principal Erwin
Um detetive infantil que já foi famoso, agora adulto, continua resolvendo os mesmos mistérios triviais. Mas um dia, chega o seu primeiro caso adulto e precisa descobrir quem cometeu um brutal assassinato.
A imortalidade parece um presente desejado pela maioria das mentes. Parece salvar. Do desaparecimento e da ignorância aonde a alma vai depois da morte do corpo. Lacey nunca morreu. Ela simplesmente não pode deixar o mundo dos vivos. Mas a incapacidade de morrer não deu a Lacey os melhores traços de personalidade. Ela confiantemente se transformou em uma criação social. Além disso, ela foi forçada a cometer atos aterrorizantes, a saber, comer sangue e carne. Tal alimento é necessário para ela manter a força. Mas esse estilo de vida não podia deixar de afetar sua psique e ela está piorando, mas não tem escolha.
Maura Mackenzie believes the world is hers to conquer. With her career as a concert pianist gaining momentum, it seems her beauty and talent will be strong enough to mask the demons that threaten to engulf her. But with an absent husband and two young daughters at home, her precarious sanity begins to unravel until one summer day, burning with manic energy, she makes a terrible mistake — a mistake that will change her life forever. The consequences for Maura are catastrophic: her ambitious husband runs for his life, taking the children with him, leaving Maura to lapse into a full-scale breakdown. Life as she knew it is now over. With the help of her father, Ian, Maura works to reclaim her life and waits for a miracle to bring her daughters home. But when the fates align, can the past be forgiven?
Truman Grange
Quando o pai de Chloe decide vender sua vinícola, o representante de vendas Seth é chamado para avaliar o preço do negócio. Cautelosa sobre a transação, Chloe divide suas inseguranças em uma troca de bilhetes anônima, com alguém que assina seus recados como "faz-tudo".
Jim Walker
Depois de ter passado anos na prisão por ter matado acidentalmente um vizinho ao dirigir embriagada, Valerie volta para casa, desejando apenas deixar o passado para trás. Um dia, porém, o filho do falecido bate à sua porta e fica então claro que o passado não pode ser esquecido assim tão facilmente.
John McNeil
A man returns to his family home on the East Coast of Canada to say goodbye to his terminally ill mother.
Tim Tucker was a star forward who broke a knee and never got drafted to the NHL. After the injury, Tim left hockey and became a hitman. Ten years later he finds himself back in town to look after his brother Matthew, with a chance to set things right. But will his past wreak havoc with his shot at redemption?
Chaplain Henry Davies
Molly Hartley (Sarah Lind) cresceu, e o demônio profano dentro dela mostra toda a sua força nesta nova sequência que leva o terror ao próximo nível! Seis anos depois de se formar no colegial – e descobrir que um pacto secreto entregou a sua alma ao diabo – Molly passa a ser suspeita de assassinato e acaba confinada em um hospital psiquiátrico, onde ela causa estragos sobrenaturais nos funcionários e pacientes. Sua única esperança é ser exorcizada por um padre excomungado, (Devon Sawa), que busca redenção ao salvar a vida da garota antes que sua “transformação” hedionda esteja completa… Mas o espírito maligno residente no corpo de Molly tem outros planos.
Em Minnesota na década de 1980, um homem (Ethan Hawke) é preso por abusar sexualmente da própria filha (Emma Watson). Embora não se lembre do evento, ele se declara culpado. Auxiliado por psicólogos, ele revive os momentos e até acusa um policial de ter participado do crime, porém, ele começa a desconfiar da existência de uma conspiração nacional.
Victor Brady
A hapless brother and sister with a gift for pop-culture infused banter embark on an ill-conceived quest to get their own talk show, encountering romance and sabotage along the way.
TRU, 37, is a serial bed-hopping lesbian who cannot commit to a relationship or a job for long...that is, until she meets ALICE, 60, a beautiful widow, who has come to town at the last minute to visit her daughter, SUZANNE, 35, a too-busy corporate lawyer and Tru's friend. Alice and Tru begin to forge an unlikely friendship...and more. Suzanne, who has a deeply conflicted relationship with her mother and a complicated past with Tru, becomes increasingly alarmed at the growing bond between Tru and her mother. Tensions escalate after Suzanne witnesses an intimate moment between them. She tries to sabotage the budding romance, but it backfires, as Tru Love is hard to contain.
Samantha visits an old family house and comes face-to-face with a buried and potentially fatal past.
George O'Hanrahan
Cassie quer para seu aniversário é que sua família e amigos estejam juntos, mas o filho de Gwen, traz problemas para Cassie.
Enquanto seu próprio enteado parece determinado a dar um passo que nem Cassie, nem o marido acham que ele está pronto.
A enteada Lori descobre paralelos perturbadores entre Cassie e a Lady Grey original, que desapareceu em sua própria festa de aniversário anos antes.
Mike Stanton
Na véspera de Natal, Kate tenta reconquistar seu ex-namorado, e acaba arruinando seu encontro com um outro pretendente. Por uma reviravolta do destino, ela tem a chance de reviver a data 12 vezes e aproveita a oportunidade para reparar seus erros.
Addie's Father
A man with a troubled past tries to settle down in a small town, finds love and then ends up being the target of a witch hunt.
Dr. Quilley
Uma psicóloga decide trabalhar em um hospício, mas para seu desespero logo descobre que ela na verdade é uma paciente.
George O'Hanrahan
O delegado Jake Russel planeja dar a sua namorada Cassie o melhor presente de natal do mundo - um casamento na noite da véspera de Natal. Mas, a volta de um ex-presidiário à cidade e outros problemas com os filhos de Jake irão dificultar a realização da cerimônia.
Gov. Crawley
O detetive Win Garano fica encarregado de investigar um assassinato cometido 20 anos atrás, mas logo se vê perigosamente envolvido nos planos da ambiciosa promotora pública Monique Lamont.
Paul Darcie
Grady suffers from multiple personality disorder. Lara doesn't know she just angered the most dangerous one.
Fat Louis
A young man is taken aboard a seal-hunting vessel helmed by the cruel captain Wolf Larsen.
Leslie, My Name Is Evil é um filme canadense de 2009 escrito e dirigido por Reginald Harkema. Foi renomeado para Manson, My Name Is Evil, após seu lançamento inicial.
Sam Rhodes
O jovem Robert muda-se para uma pequena cidade.Lá encontra uma pausa para observar secretamente o dia a dia de sua vizinha Jenne. Ao perceber que está sendo observada, Jenne sente uma estranha atração e curiosidade, então convida Robert para entrar em sua casa, e iniciam uma relação, que para ele trará consequências devastadoras. Ao ser surpreendido pelo ex-namorado ciumento de Jenne, iniciam uma briga que deixa Robert ferido e inconsciente, ao acordar descobre que é o principal suspeito de um assassinato e agora terá que provar sua inocência.
Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) se estabeleceu em Middleton e está ocupada arrumando a Casa Cinza. Seu namorado, o Chefe de Polícia Russell Jake (Chris Potter), e seus filhos, Brandon (Matthew Knight) e Lori (Hannah Endicott-Douglas), estão felizes por ter Cassie no bairro, mas em pouco tempo, um estranho chamado Nick (Rob Stewart) aparece com os papéis que lhe dá direito à posse legal da Casa Cinza. Cassie está confusa e se pergunta se ela realmente pertence a Middleton.
Adhemar Dion
Cinebiografia da cantora Celine Dion, que já vendeu milhões de discos pelo mundo todo e teve canções de sucesso na trilha sonora de produções, como na animação A Bela e a Fera e no tema principal do filme Titanic. Nesta película, é contada toda a sua trajetória, desde a pobreza até a fama mundial.
A semi-fictional story about the shooting of four Canadian RCMP officers during a drug raid in Mayerthorpe, Alberta.
George O'Hanrahan
Cassandra Nightingale (Catherine Bell) acaba de se mudar para uma casa assombrada de uma pequena cidade. Ela abre uma loja, "Sinos, Livros e Velas", com vários produtos únicos e um tanto peculiares, logo todos os moradores da região começam a acreditar que é uma bruxa. Após ajudar o filho do chefe de polícia, Cassie fica amiga de Jake Russell (Chris Potter) e ele fica interessado pela mulher. Mas os segredos do seu passado vão ser revelados pelo policial Derek Sanders...
VICTOR is the inspiring, true-life, story of a great Canadian hero - a working class kid who through sheer guts and determination overcomes both physical and psychological challenges to reach the pinnacle of his sport, becoming an Olympic gold medal champion and World Record holder.
When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.
Dr. Christopher Bray
Quando a mãe morre num acidente, garota de 16 anos muda completamente seu temperamento e a forma como se comporta. O que em princípio parece apenas um desvio emocional logo tem uma revelação assustadora: o espírito da mãe tomou conta da filha.
Philip Manville
Claire Holloway é uma jovem e sofisticada autora de uma série de livros infantis de muito sucesso, mas sua vida pessoal não se parece nada com uma história de criança. Ela é assombrada por visões noturnas de violência e morte – torturada pela escuridão que parece emergir de algum lugar escondido no seu subconsciente. Para escrever seu novo livro, ela se hospeda numa casa próxima ao local onde um crime foi cometido. Logo, os fantasmas que cercam a casa agitarão sua vida.
Frank Fleming
During World War II, the usually sleepy town of Gander, Newfoundland is abuzz with activity as the stopover point for many flights between North America and the European Theater. Teenager Terry Fleming, who lives just outside of Gander, is feeling conflicted. He wants to work in Gander so that he can have access to the plethora of movie stars and GIs flying though the area.
Sheriff Sam Carney
Tom é um pacato homem de uma pequena cidade, proprietário de um restaurante, que vive uma vida tranquila com a mulher e os dois filhos. Tudo se altera quando dois criminosos tentam assaltar o estabelecimento e Tom se vê forçado a tomar medidas extremas. Subitamente, é elevado a herói e todos olham para ele como alguém de elevada estatura moral. Inesperadamente, três mafiosos aparecem na cidade à sua procura...
Electric Man
Conheça a história do boxeador Jim Braddock, chamado de "O Cinderela", que superou as dificuldades trazidas pela Grande Depressão americana e se transformou em herói nacional ao enfrentar o campeão Max Baer em uma luta memorável.
Joseph Eichler
A look at the life of real estate king/media mogul/reality TV star, Donald Trump.
Henry Liddle
Shane Bradley, who is fixated on ideas of luck and destiny, tries to win the girl of his dreams. After their relationship falters, Shane begins to think he might be unlucky and turns to gambling as an outlet for his obsession.
Brig. Gen. Norm Van Arken
Ben Tyson liderou um pelotão durante a guerra do Vietnam numa missão assassina. Agora, na reserva, Tyson tem que voltar para o exército e enfrentar a corte marcial, acusado de assassinato. Desesperado, Tyson tenta provar sua inocência, slavar sua reputação e seu casamento. Seu maior inimigo nesta batalha é uma promotora militar que só via sossegar depois de colocá-lo atrás das grades. Mas Tyson guarda um segredo de guerra, que seus companheiros de pelotão não querem que seja revelado.
Frank MacNeil
Candice DeLong is Clarice Starling in "Silence of the Lambs," Samantha Waters on "Profiler" and Nicole Scott on "MISSING" all rolled into one tough female FBI agent. Lifetime's spine-tingling Original Movie is inspired by DeLong's harrowing real-life experiences in the field. DeLong (Jean Smart) is on the verge of retiring from the FBI so that she can spend more time with her son, when a serial rapist and murderer attacks one of her best friends. As a single working mom, she feels torn between her child's needs and avenging her girlfriend. Things get more complicated when she has to work the case with her married lover (played by A Martinez). This top cop's decisions will put her life in serious danger. Hold on, it's going to be a suspenseful ride!
Denton Baxter (Michael Gambon) é um poderoso vaqueiro do Oeste americano, que ameaça todos aqueles que podem tirar seu poder na cidade em que vive. Cansados desta situação, Charley Waite (Kevin Costner), Boss Spearman (Robert Duvall), Button (Diego Luna) e Mose Harrison (Abraham Benrubi) decidem enfrentá-lo. Porém em meio à batalha Charley acaba conhecendo Sue Barlow (Annette Bening), uma mulher que conquista seu coração.
A história emocionante da jornada corajosa de um garoto para encontrar seu pai.
Capt. MacNamara
New York detective Mike Santini is enjoying a holiday with his family when he spots Eddie Meyers a fugitive from justice who might be the key witness in a high profile case involving money laundering. Santini plays a major role in capturing Meyers which prompts the wiley criminal to request Santini to be the interrogating officer. The two size each other up in the interrogation room in a thriller that provides a number of unexpected twists.
Det. Ed Rafferty
Quiet and unassuming church organist Jenny Moran is depressed with her marriage to working-class Matt and leaves him. Jenny begins an affair with the manipulative and charming Dr. Stephen Carrow, who is also deacon of her church and a married man. Someone kills Carrow's wife after she learns of the affair between Jenny and her husband. The murderer is caught and confesses, but that confession leads to new lies which tear apart Jenny Moran's life.
Detective Tripp
A comedy about a hitman who sees everything in terms of the movies and how mistaken identity is getting in the way of recovering a stash of diamonds that was stolen and subsequently hidden more than 20 years earlier.
Lieutenant Dennis Sanderman
Ao perseguir um suspeito certa noite, a policial Sharon Pogue (Jennifer Lopez), de Chicago, quase é vitimada por uma emboscada. Mas um estranho misterioso (Jim Caviezel) intervém, desarma o assassino e salva a vida de Sharon. Talvez seja apenas um cidadão consciente passando pelo lugar certo na hora certa. Só que os dois já haviam se encontrado antes. Eles se apaixonam, descobrem a verdade e são forçados a encarar segredos do passado.
Earl Barkhouse
A sensitive and realistic portrayal of the families' grief after the devastating crash of Swissair flight 111, in which all 229 passengers and crew were killed. A woman whose daughter was among the victims meets a fisherman in Nova Scotia who took part in the recovery mission.
Butch Foster
Numa noite rara de tempestade solar, o jovem policial John Sullivan encontra o aparelho de radioamador de seu falecido pai. Ao colocar o aparelho para funcionar, John é contatado por Frank, um radioamador que, pelas conversas, parece estar vivendo no ano de 1969. O mais incrível acontece quando John percebe que aquele Frank é Frank Sullivan, seu pai. Atônito e emocionado, John tenta mudar o passado, avisando seu pai sobre o incidente que o matou.
Harry Frost
Joanna is a woman secure in the knowledge of who she is: a perfect wife, a successful magazine journalist and a woman who's just celebrated her 10th wedding anniversary with her husband, Dale. But when Dale suddenly leaves her for another woman, Joanna's world collapses. Her self-esteem shattered, Joanna questions her attractiveness as a woman and her value as a human being. How did this happen to her? Follow Joanna as she escapes to Paris and learns the many secrets of seduction under the tutelage of Madame Simone. Slowly, empowered by her newfound knowledge and self-confidence, Joanna comes to understand her true self-worth.
Mr. Kraft
Hands-on healer Dean Kraft struggles for many years to come to terms with his abilities and deal with the skepticism of the medical profession.
Captain Whippley
Em Chicago um serial killer é conhecido por levar a parte do corpo de suas vítimas, e deixá-las sangrar até a morte. Ele também escreve números nos corpos e, assim, é chamado de "Assassino Dos Números". Quem está investigando o caso é o detetive John Prudhomme (Christopher Lambert), que acaba descobrindo que o assassino está juntando os pedaços das vítimas para montar "Jesus Cristo", e que em cada sexta-feira ele terá mais uma vítima, para tudo ficar pronto na Páscoa. Três mortes já aconteceram e Prudhomme tem de correr contra o tempo pra que não haja mais nenhuma vítima.
Captain Desalvo
In the distant future, the gap between rich and poor has become immeasurable. Wealthy enclosures like Parkland, home of medical pioneer Dr. Roland Parker, are home to few. With medical technology, Parkland's rich are able to buy their immortality through organs from the poor. When Detective Quinn is assigned to capture an escaped donor from his slum, he unknowingly becomes a donor for Parker. As his days alive diminish, Quinn races to expose a conspiracy fueled by the murder of innocent people.
Gerald Nephew
In this made-for-tv movie, an adopted woman decides to find her birth mother. Her search leads her to a shocking discovery that she has to face and why her upbringing was not an easy one.
Captain McCully
in 1957, black lawyer defends his nephew, who faces the death penalty for murdering a white boy.
Sex comedy takes a look at contemporary dating mores and hypothesizes that the new dating location may be the dog walk in the park. Follow one mild-mannered man who's consistently unlucky in love and dogs.
Dennie McCarthy
On December 7, 1993, a gunman opened fire in a crowded commuter train on Long Island. This fact-based story focuses on the events that swell around Carolyn McCarthy, a woman whose husband is killed and her 26 year old son is severely wounded in the massacre. The result is she is forced out of her comfortable suburban existence and she becomes an out-spoken crusader against assault weapons. The film shifts from her perspective to the mind of the killer and finally to the media frenzy that surrounds both.
A couple that seems perfect is hiding big secrets from each other. They are all revealed after they meet a psychotic psychologist.
An East Indian physician works with AIDS patients as an epidemic of the disease hits in Tennessee.
Whiskey Mac
William, a once obese and troubled teen, goes back to his family's home after being gone, without word, for ten years and finds it (and his family) haunted with his past. He had moved to the city and become a fit, well-adjusted gay man, but during his visit home, he becomes unhinged as the newly remembered reasons for his miserable adolescence come to life in each of their presents.
Judge Sorenson
A mother is so consumed with a possessive love for her son that she may have committed murder in order to keep him by her side. When the son's new wife is found murdered, the mother is arrested for the crime. In denial about his mother's guilt, the son, a successful lawyer, agrees to defend her. Based on a true story.
CBC's dramatic account of the tragedy of Yellowknife's Giant Mine, in which 9 miners were killed during a bitter labour dispute.
Chief Inspecter Ray Hartman
Policial honesto é testemunha de um homicídio onde o acusado foi preso por ele. Num julgamento cheio de farsas e intervenções maliciosas do advogado de defesa, o suspeito é absolvido. Revoltado, o policial, num momento de insanidade, prende todos os participantes do julgamento no tribunal e conduz outro julgamento, onde ele faz o papel de juiz.
Colin Seagrave
James Ballard (James Spader) se envolve em um terrível acidente automobilístico que acaba atingido outro carro no qual está um casal. O homem morre e a mulher fica bastante ferida, mas após o trauma e a raiva inicial ela acaba se tornado amante de James. Ao mesmo tempo passam a freqüentar um grupo que tem como fetiche a reconstituição de acidentes de carros, nos quais famosas pessoas morreram. No entanto, estas reconstituições são propositadamente feitas sem nenhuma norma de segurança, aumentando sensivelmente o risco para quem participa da simulação e criando um clima de grande excitação para a platéia. A descoberta deste estranho prazer acaba atingindo a esposa de James e as relações sexuais tendem a serem quase sempre dentro de automóveis.
Hershel Kirkland
Two cops who share a devotion to their work—and to each other—suddenly find themselves caught in a tangled web of unspoken passions, lies and accusations when they each become suspects in a brutal mob-style murder.
Frank Trappe
Fact-based drama about a smalltown rape victim who helps the police trap her attacker who has invaded her home again and again.
A naive 16 year old waitress falls for a corrupt, married police officer. When she falls pregnant, her lover plots her murder.
Sheriff Dwayne Jackson
Three years after author Kate Sanders penned a best selling novel about a serial killer, she has become the victim of a twisted tale of art imitating life -- left crippled after fleeing a deadly and psychotic reader, she lives in isolation, connected to the world only through the Internet. But with the release of her sequel, the nightmare begins again...
John Matheson
Lawyer, judge, and politician John Matheson looks at candidates for Canada's new flag.
When a dark force begins to destroy a couple's happiness, they turn to decides to a parapsychologist who discovers that the husband is possessed by a demon.
Sam Flowers
Rachel is the daughter of a wealthy media tycoon. Her husband dies in a car crash. Years later she meets Eric a photographer for New Woman magazine. They fall in love and quickly marry. On honeymoon in a remote cottage we discover that Eric's plan all along has been to get some of her father's money and sets in motion a faked kidnap of himself and Rachel. Rachel is unaware of his plan but begins to suspect something due to his suspicious behaviour. As her father hires a investigator to catch the kidnappers, Rachel begins to fear for her safety as Eric's plan becomes clearer.
William Young
A couple operates a shady maternity home in 1930s/1940s Nova Scotia. Based on a true story.
Roy Spencer
A look into the life of troubled former hockey player Brian Spencer, who got into problems both on the ice and off because of his temper. The film also has a close focus on Spencer's father, and shows how he influenced Brian's life both before and after his death.
Watch Commander
On their way home from Brooklyn, psychiatrist Vic, daughter Julie and sister Stacey run short of gas. They leave the highway to search for a petrol station - but end up erring around in South Bronx. A youth gang led by the sadistic Ice stops their car and starts terrorizing them. Without fuel, the 3 women soon have to flee by foot and defend their life with all means possible.
Sheriff McKay
Alan Masters is a despicable businessman with his hands in organized crime. He marries Diane, a kind and gentle woman, and abuses and batters her viciously. Sergeant John Reed has had enough of his city's organized crime and, against the wishes of his dirty-cop superiors, tries to get evidence against Alan Masters. After Alan finds out that Diane has been helping Reed, he beats her to death...and its up to John Reed to put him away for it, and clean up the dirty cops that want to stop him. Part I starts with Diane's death and then, in a flashback, details her struggles against abuse and Reed's struggles as he coaches her to gather evidence against Alan. Part II deals with Reed's struggles with intimidating cops.
Golf balls, watermelons and lawn furniture all play a role in one eventful evening for a suburban family in crisis.
Of the adult Snack siblings - Lindsay, Angus and Katy - Angus is the only one to have "escaped" the repressed life with their parents, by moving out of the family's suburban Toronto home. Theirs is a dysfunctional family where no one truly communicates with each other, no one seems happy, but each who funnels their energy elsewhere.
Major Matthew 'Hawk' Masterson
The year 2099. The place 'Volcania', center of the bionic universe. It is shortly after the titanic struggles of the metal wars in a world of Darkness, Destruction and Terrifying Evil, ruled by "Lord Dread" and his bionic creations. Due to the twisted mind of this evil creature, the very machines designed to end war for all time are now the executioners of civilization. History tells us that such times produce heroes and heroines, dedicated to turning back the darkness and creating a brave new world of Power, Wonder and Mystery. The World has only one chance "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future". Aided by their power suits, which turn each soldier into a one man specialized attack force, they give hope once again to civilization. The World once more has a future! A future where legends are born!
Sgt. Frank Howard
A woman is stalked by a psychopathic killer. She eventually kills him, only for the man to show up again, this time sane and without any knowledge of the attacks. The police don't believe her, but one detective agrees to look into it.
Harry Wheaton
Donald Marshall is imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit.
Denny Ransom
Buster McHenry é um policial infiltrado na gangue do sádico Marino, na Filadélfia. Eles roubam um precioso artefato da tribo Sioux, e Buster se une a Hank Storm, um índio da tribo, que deseja recuperar esse artefato e vingar a morte do irmão.
A police officer suspended and now accused of murder is forced to join forces with his court-appointed attorney to assemble the pieces of a deadly puzzle to find the missing link before time runs out.
Major Matthew "Hawk" Masterson (Voice)
CAPTAIN POWER NEEDS YOU! Prepare for you flight training as one of the Soldiers of the Future! Captain Power himself will take all beginning pilots on a simulated flight mission aboard the PowerJet XT-7 - where you will learn special battle tactics and aerial maneuvers. WARNING: Lord Dread and his Bio Creads can strike at any time! In case of an unexpected attack, your service may be needed! (This tape was included in some editions of the XT-7 toy.)
David Ancorie
A veteran New York City Police Lieutenant's investigation of a woman's murder uncovers corruption in high places.
Private detective Benny Cooperman is hired to keep an eye on a controversial preacher who is in hiding in a picturesque lake resort, but once he gets there Benny finds himself involved with murders, satanism, and unfriendly nature.
An English woman, psychotic and sexually repressed, murders her sadistic father, then moves to America. She soon secures a job as a maid for a wealthy family. Soon her severe psychosis and her attempts to keep her sexuality from asserting itself combine to cause trouble for all concerned.
A group of terrorists take a radio disk jockey and his wife and child hostage in order to get their manifesto out to the world.
A black comedy of violent criminals who terrorize apartment dwellers during New York's 1977 power blackout.
An Ottawa police captain searches for the person who poisoned his sister, who was attending the university in Montreal. So desperate is he for revenge that he begin to use his own brutal methods to find the killer. Soon he discovers that not everything is what he thought it was.
Major Matthew 'Hawk' Masterson
LORD DREAD LAUNCHES AN ALL OUT ATTACK AGAINST HUMAN SURVIVAL CAMPS! Soaron Sky Sentry and his clones are leading the attack, backed up by hundreds of Interlocker thrones and Phantom Striker jets! Captain Power, Major Hawk Masterson, and YOU - Pilot 1 - seem hopelessly outnumbered!
STRATEGY: Cut the pre-programmed Bio Dread invasion off at the source - Volcania. Short-circuit the battle computer.