Joe Lovelock


Entidade Maligna
Digital Imaging Technician
A médica Elizabeth retorna da guerra acreditando sofrer de estresse pós-traumático. Em casa, ela começa a desconfiar que pode estar sendo afetada por forças sobrenaturais.
Mais Um Verão Com Mamãe
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O projeto de férias de um adolescente apaixonado por heavy metal fracassam no último minuto e ele deve passar todo o verão com a pessoa que mais o irrita: sua mãe.
After Louise
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Kath, a shy young woman, befriends Bob, the reclusive gardener at a seaside hotel where she's getting married. Kath has never come to terms with her mother leaving home when she was eight and that her overbearing father, Ken, never talks about her. Now she is getting married to escape, only to discover that her fiancée, Steve, is completely dominated by Ken as well. Bob is a gentle, eccentric man with a dry sense of humour and a troubled past. He spent a long time in prison and in the years he's worked at the hotel he has never ventured beyond the gardens, which he tends with obsessive care. Kath sparks a connection to an unresolved relationship from Bob's past with a girl called Louise which resonates so strongly that he feels compelled to leave the safety of the hotel and confront his past.
The Cunning Man
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"The Cunning Man" is inspired by a real Cunning Man, John Harries (c.1785 – 1839). It’s an enchanted tale of compassion in the face of callous greed.
Digital Imaging Technician
Bobbi Johnson is a young literary sensation facing her difficult second novel. Already dealing with a crazed stalker and her junkie ex-boyfriend, Bobbi is convinced by her publisher to use new smart editing software and finds herself going head-to-head with an artificial intelligence determined to write her book for her.
Only the Lonely
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When Elspeth Morris, 70, loses her beloved husband George, life becomes intolerable. Increasingly surrounded by people she has nothing in common with, she feels utterly alienated, abandoned and alone until circumstances lead to an unlikely friendship with her neighbour, Gurmeet.
Digital Imaging Technician
O filme é um thriller futurista ambientada no futuro próximo em que todas as classes de medicamentos têm sido legalizada. Frank Grieves é um ‘Dreck’ de roaming um agente antidroga responsável por manter os negociantes do mercado negro fora das ruas e as empresas de medicamentos licenciados rico. Quando ele descobre uma substância desonestos em um cadáver não identificado evidência sugere que Ambro fabricante de drogas mais poderoso de todos estão realizando testes secretos sobre um narcótico experimental.
Two Missing
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When their car breaks down in isolated woodland close to the scene of a recent murder, two teenage girls are forced to accept the help of a stranger.
Breakfast With Jonny Wilkinson
Digital Imaging Technician
Greyhawks Rugby Club is under threat from land developers, and Dave's position as chairman is being challenged by an extremely loud Australian. The faithful few have gathered on the morning before the election to watch England in the Rugby World Cup Final and tensions are running high for more reasons than one Why does Jake, the first team prodigy, leave the room every time Jonny Wilkinson takes a kick?