Deon Stewardson

Nascimento : 1951-11-30,

Morte : 2017-11-27


Mercadores da Morte
Harv Bennet
Sob efeito de hipnose, homem lembra da fazenda de sua família, massacrada quando ele tinha 6 anos. Pior: descobre que no lugar da fazenda existe uma refinaria de petróleo e uma série de pistas que ligam o dono da refinaria ao assassinato. Pior ainda: a psiquiatra que o hipnotizou foi sequestrada.
Duelo Decisivo
Jim - Sports Editor
B.J. é um indiscutível campeão de Kick boxing, mas quando seu principal rival testemunha contra ele em um caso de assassinato, B.J. acaba na cadeia. Um ano mais tarde, quando sai da prisão, quer recuperar seu título e obter vingança.
American Ninja 4: O Grande Kickboxer Americano
Delta Force Team
Quando quatro soldados da "Delta Force" são capturados por ninjas numa floresta africana, Sean Davidson (David Bradley) e Brackston, dois experientes agentes, são enviados para libertá-los, mas após se refugiarem com Sarah, uma enfermeira do Corpo de Paz Americano, eles também são capturados. A única esperança de resgate está nas mãos de Joe Armstrong (Michael Dudikoff), um ex-agente que precisa ser convencido disso até que um terrível plano terrorista para detonar uma bomba nuclear contra um alvo americano é revelado.
Warriors from Hell
Matt Butler
Matt Butler joins a group of soldiers hunting Communist backed rebels who have been conscripting men into their forces and pillaging the land. Stars Deon Stewardson, Glen Gabela, Shayne Leith, Adrienne Pearce
Return to Justice
Insanity Boy
Photojournalist Bo (Griffin O'Neal) and his girlfriend Angie (Tawny Fere) are captured and falsely imprisoned in Colombia. Angie's Sheriff / cowboy father Jethro (Richard Lynch) vows to use every method at his disposal to secure their freedom.
Lethal Woman
John Sales
A group of men are told that they have won an "erotic vacation" at a fantasy island. In reality, they are being lured to the island by women they have wronged, and once there they are captured and set loose on the island to be hunted down.
Easy Kill
Frank Davies is a bar owner and ex-cop. The lovely Jade Anderson walks into the bar one night and Frank is smitten. He learns that her husband is a diplomat gone bad, smuggling drugs in from Peru. He decides to help her but Jade has her own machinations. She thinks that she's got him twisted around her little finger, but he knows a lot more than he's letting on. He knows about the bomb. The money...
Merchants of War
TV Newsman
The heroes are best friends and commandos sent on a covert mission by the CIA. The mission is a success, but the two incur the wrath of the world's most feared terrorist, a fanatical Islamic, when they set out to do one last mission.
Enemy Unseen
A couple of young scientists, Mel Noble and Roxeanne Tangent, travel to an island in Africa thought to be deserted in search of crocodile life, when African Natives storm the camp and kidnap Roxeanne. Her father, Gordon hires Steiger and his team of investigators to track down the natives that worship crocodiles as sacred animals. The problem is: they can't be seen. With natives in the jungles and crocodiles in the waters, Steiger and his crew must fight to survive and save Roxeanne from being sacrificed in a gruesome ritual with an "Enemy Unseen."
Captive Rage
Claude Belmondo
When the DEA director arrests the drug-dealing son of a South American general and cocaine baron, the dictator orders a plane of college students, among them the DEA director's daughter, to be hijacked and flown to his country, where he holds them under threat of torture and death unless his son is released within 72 hours.
Evil poachers killing rhino’s who turn to butchering humans instead, blah, blah, blah... Deon Stewardson kills the main villain in a fight at a taxidermists workshop - impaling him on, wait for it, wait for it... a rhino horn!
Drunk Driver
Ultra rare South African, cop hunts serial killer thriller film.