The story centers on Kinuko who lives together with her granddaughter Nagisa in the house she once shared with her late husband and where she raised her children. On a spring morning, on the important 49th day after her husband’s passing, the goldfish he had been taking care of suddenly dies. Kinuko wraps its body in camellia flowers and buries it in the garden. She spends her day thinking of the past, cherishing her memories and trivial events. The financial burden of taking care of the house and the garden is becoming too heavy for her and she now faces the logical decision of selling the place…
Kosuke Mikado, who works at a bookstore, has been suffering from a peculiar constitution that ghosts can see from an early age. One day, Kosuke was invited by a exorcist, Rihito Hiyakawa, who came to the bookstore and decided to work with him. The two men, who were requested by the detective Hanzawa to investigate the serial murder case that occurred a year ago, eventually found a body, but the body was cursed. While searching for the truth, they often hear the voice of the murderer who committed suicide...
'We have to kill him', the wife and her lover thought. When three childhood friends reunite, it doesn't take long before two of them feel the woman's husband is in their way. They push him into a lake, but the boat capsizes and all three are thrown into the water. The lovers reach the shore, but the husband is nowhere. Has he drowned? They decide to wait at a lakeside hotel for his body to be found.