Aleksi Tegel


My Reality
Sound Designer
Mira, Eevis and Meiju are reality TV stars, searching for acceptance, but become persecuted by the general public for their behaviour instead. Resurfacing is hard in the society, that aims to categorize us as either winners or losers.
Just Animals
Sound Designer
Activists have been fighting for animal rights for decades. Will they succeed in winning the battle against meat production or will the food industry be unstoppable? The film depicts the structural nature of the animal industry and the systematic abuse of power through three central characters. They fight the battle of David and Goliath against a seemingly invincible industry, ready to achieve their goals at any cost. The brutal undercover photos taken by the activists have caused a series of international scandals, but will they ultimately succeed in making a difference?
A Maldição das Formigas Gigantes
Sound Designer
Um bando de formigas gigantes assassinas surgem das profundezas das dunas do deserto e ameaçam acabar com toda a humanidade. Um tributo nostálgico aos filmes do gênero nos anos 50, é também inspirado em um jogo cult de videogame dos anos 80.
On Dark Paths
Sound Designer
Sometimes the only way to safety lies on dark paths....