The untold story of the world’s longest running video show, Video Music Box. A hip hop mainstay since 1983, VMB gave a platform to artists like Jay-Z, Nas and Mary J. Blige before they hit it big. Host Ralph McDaniels’ archives — amassed over 40 nearly years — reveal the show’s importance to numerous big-name musicians, as well as to the kids that grew up watching.
Oprah Winfrey conversa com "Os Cinco do Central Park" e com o elenco e os produtores que contam a história dos homens inocentados na série “Olhos que Condenam”.
Defence attorney Jane Fisher-Byrialsen is determined to put an end to interrogation techniques that pressure innocent people into false confessions. The film follows four of her cases and examines the psychological aspect of how people end up confessing to crimes they have not committed and the consequences of these confessions – for those accused, for their families, and for society at large.