In this poetic story, set in the late 1950s, the life of a small boy is influenced by historical events, ranging from the exploration of space to the Algerian War. His father is drafted and the boy’s cozy home changes into the cold walls of a barracks flat. His central focus becomes the world of child fantasy and imagination. The director has made an attempt at capturing the thoughts, dreams and anxieties of one child, which sets out on a journey to the centre of the Earth, while the adult hero remembering his childhood sets out on a journey to the centre of himself. The rhythm of the story flows just like a nocturne, a lyrical musical piece expressing a night mood. The director’s ambition was not to create a realistic film, but to try to transpose a child’s fantasies into images.
In this poetic story, set in the late 1950s, the life of a small boy is influenced by historical events, ranging from the exploration of space to the Algerian War. His father is drafted and the boy’s cozy home changes into the cold walls of a barracks flat. His central focus becomes the world of child fantasy and imagination. The director has made an attempt at capturing the thoughts, dreams and anxieties of one child, which sets out on a journey to the centre of the Earth, while the adult hero remembering his childhood sets out on a journey to the centre of himself. The rhythm of the story flows just like a nocturne, a lyrical musical piece expressing a night mood. The director’s ambition was not to create a realistic film, but to try to transpose a child’s fantasies into images.
O famoso aventureiro de banda desenhada de Hugo Pratt, Corto Maltese, enquanto peregrina em Adana, na Turquia, descobre um mapa para o tesouro de Cyrus, um antigo rei da Pérsia. Para ajudá-lo na sua missão, ele recruta o seu velho amigo / inimigo, o inacreditável Raspoutine, em que ele primeiro tem que ajudar a escapar da prisão de Samarkand (também conhecida como "La maison dorée de Samarkand", A Casa Dourada de Samarcanda). No longo e tortuoso caminho para as riquezas, ele encontra todo tipo de personagens interessantes, soldados da fortuna, atores britânicos perdidos e até o seu sósia.