Narrator (voice)
A 90'- documentary about Roger Raymond Rossmeisl (1927-1979), the most overlooked great guitar maker of all time. Roger's voice is spoken by Bruno Ganz
Self (archive footage)
Pioneiro do Novo Cinema Alemão, Wim Wenders é um dos mais importantes diretores do cinema contemporâneo. Marcando seu 75º aniversário, “Wim Wenders, Desperado” retrata o trabalho de um visionário que captou o zeitgeist de sua geração. O documentário aborda o processo artístico de um improvisador único, que vê cada filmagem como uma jornada rumo ao desconhecido. Com depoimentos inéditos de Francis Ford Coppola, Willem Dafoe, Patti Smith e Werner Herzog, o filme oferece um olhar exclusivo sobre a vida e a obra de um artista excepcional.
Franz Jägerstätter é um fazendeiro austríaco que se torna herói em circunstâncias um tanto quanto inusitadas. Quando ele é convocado a lutar junto ao exército alemão durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, ele se recusa e acaba, com apenas 36 anos de idade, condenado à pena de morte por traição à pátria.
George Goldsmith
Tucson, Arizona, September 1996. At the request of his son Martin, George Goldsmith tells him of his past in Nazi Germany as a member of a family of Jewish musicians and the strange history of the Jüdischer Kulturbund, a Jewish organization sponsored by Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels.
Narrator German (voice)
In 1979, a revolution in Iran. In 1980, a revolution in Poland. The fall of the Shah, the “King of Kings,” in Iran. Mass strikes and the foundation of Solidarność (Solidarity) in Poland. What was in the minds of the young women and men who fomented revolution in their own country? What did they think when their revolution was quelled, or – as in Iran – an authoritarian regime was instituted under the name of an “Islamic Republic”?
Nikola Radin
An action drama about an enthusiastic junior officer from the Hague War Tribunal in pursuit of justice.
Sigmund Freud
Franz é um rapaz de 17 anos de idade que chega a Viena para trabalhar como aprendiz em uma tabacaria. Ali, ele conhece Sigmund Freud, um cliente frequente. Com o passar do tempo, os dois, apesar de origens muito distintas, desenvolvem uma amizade única. Quando Franz se apaixona perdidamente pela dançarina Anezka, ele busca os conselhos de seu amigo Sigmund, que, apesar de ser um renomado psicanalista, admite que o sexo feminino é um grande mistério para ele em termos românticos. A tensão política e social aumenta dramaticamente na Áustria, piorando com a chegada dos nazistas à capital. Franz, Sigmund e Anezka se perdem no meio do caos da cidade e cada um terá uma decisão difícil para tomar: ficar ou fugir de Viena?
Um dia, durante um encontro fortuito na estrada, o arquiteto Jack mata uma mulher. Este evento provoca um prazer inesperado no personagem, que passa a assassinar dezenas de pessoas ao longo de doze anos. Devido ao descaso das autoridades e à indiferença dos habitantes locais, o criminoso não encontra dificuldade em planejar seus crimes, executá-los ao olhar de todos e guardar os cadáveres num grande frigorífico. Tempos mais tarde, ele compartilha os seus casos mais marcantes com o sábio Virgílio numa jornada rumo ao inferno.
Brother Jean
O diretor Germinal Roaux defende as profundezas da caridade cristã em imagens expressivas em preto e branco.
Janet foi nomeada para um cargo importante no gabinete paralelo. Para comemorar essa conquista na sua carreira política, ela e o marido Bill organizam uma confraternização na sua casa em Londres. Com a chegada dos convidados, Bill faz um anúncio estrondoso que transforma completamente o evento.
Wilhelm Powileit
Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birthday celebrations of an East German family turn into a tragicomical moment of political and personal breakdown.
Arthur Bloch
A film based on Jacques Chessex' novel of the same title; featuring André Wilms as Chessex and Bruno Ganz as Arthur Bloch, Swiss Jew killed by Swiss Nazis.
Alpöhi, Heidi's grandfather
Heidi, uma pequena órfã, vive uma alegre infância junto do seu avô nos Alpes Suíços. Com Pedro, o seu melhor amigo, Heidi passa os dias a tratar das cabrinhas e a passear livremente pelas colinas. As maravilhosas paisagens são o cenário perfeito para as aventuras desta dupla incansável.
Até que um dia, a tia de Heidi a leva para uma rica mansão de Frankfurt com a intenção de a colocar como dama de companhia de Clara, uma menina paraplégica que vive confinada a uma cadeira de rodas. Embora de mundos muito diferentes Clara e Heidi mal podem imaginar que o primeiro encontro seria o início de uma marcante amizade.
Rudy Kurlander #1
Um dos capítulos mais escuros da história, no século XX, colide com a contemporânea missão de vingança de Zev (Christopher Plummer), um senhor que deseja punir um antigo guarda nazista pelo assassinato da sua família 70 anos atrás.
Martha (Marthe Keller) vive sozinha de frente para o mar em Ibiza e sua vida começa a mudar quando surge uma amizade inesperada entre ela e Jo (Max Riemelt), um músico de 20 anos que sonha em ser contratado como DJ na famosa boate berlinesa Amnesia.
Voice of Segantini
Artist, anarchist, drop-out, paperless immigrant: Giovanni Segantini was all of this. He created, usually under the open sky, monumental, idealized alpine landscapes. In the course of his lifetime, he climbed ever higher in search of more light, finally dying at 41 in an Engadin alpine hut at 2700m. The film offers insight into his difficult childhood and boyhood, shares his inner processes and crises as a painter, as well as his contradictory dealings with motherly love and eroticism – and ultimately his desperate struggle against death…
Nils vive em Beitostølen, é casado com Gudrun e tem um filho chamado Ingvar, que acaba de começar a estudar em Oslo. Ele é um homem feliz aos 45 anos de idade, e trabalha como motorista de arado, responsável por manter a estrada do condado sobre Valdresflya livre de neve. Ele foi recentemente escolhido como Cidadão do Ano da cidade e está ansioso para a aposentadoria e para ter netos, o que seria uma vida totalmente despreocupada. Um dia ele recebe um telefonema dizendo que seu filho morrera de overdose. O luto pela perda de Ingvar se transforma em escuridão e vingança, e de repente Nils se coloca no meio de uma guerra contra as drogas. O paraíso bonito e calmo do inverno de Beitostølen é transformado em uma zona de guerra de fogo.
Diamond Dealer
Um advogado, prestes a se casar e precisando de dinheiro, acaba se envolvendo em um esquema de tráfico de drogas que fracassa. Logo, todos são visados por um cartel mexicano. Enquanto os outros parceiros têm experiência no crime e sabem como escapar, o advogado não sabe como agir. Sem escapatória, este homem perturbado começa a refletir sobre seus atos, tendo que aceitar as consequências brutais de seu envolvimento no crime.
The Governor
No século 16, um vendedor de cavalos vive uma vida tranquila e próspera, até ser maltratado por um nobre poderoso. Decidido a reconquistar sua honra e seus direitos, ele monta um exército de plebeus e declara guerra contra o injusto soberano.
Older Jorge O'Kelly
Raimund Gregorius, um professor suíço, que abandona suas palestras e sua vida conservadora para embarcar em uma emocionante aventura que o levará em uma jornada ao seu próprio coração.
Franz Mann
Gracieuse é uma amazona competente e está indignada porque venderam seu cavalo de salto. Agora terá que abrir caminho em um mundo de influências e dinheiro para conseguir o cavalo que a ajude a conquistar a glória.
Narrator (voice)
Ernst Jürgen
Martin Harris acabou de sair de um coma de quatro dias, fruto de um acidente de carro em Berlim. Ao acordar, descobre que sua esposa não o reconhece e, para piorar, existe um outro homem usando sua identidade. Ignorado pelas autoridades e na mira de assassinos, sua única chance de desvendar este mistério é contar com Gina, uma motorista de táxi que poderá ajudá-lo a provar que ele não está louco.
Anita and Fred have been a couple for 50 years, and happily married for nearly as long. They have two grown children, and their grandchildren are finishing school. Both can look back at a fulfilling past, but their lives are still rich and vibrant. The fact that Fred is terribly ill has been hidden from the family. For the first time in all these years, Fred takes some liberties, which his wife interprets as an affront. Never before has she felt so abandoned. Although she starts to question her relationship, a love like theirs cannot end so easily. Indeed it should never end.
Tiziano Terzani
When an extraordinary man who has lived through all is approaching his end, he decides to call his son to join him for the last time at his home in Tuscany. His intention is to share some valuable conversations about his life as a press correspondent in Southeast Asia, about the political and social changes which he has seen, and about the spiritual transformation he has experienced in recent years. But for him the most important is to show his son how he is preparing for the last great adventure of a lifetime.
Gato (David Cardoso) é um ladrão experiente que invade a casa de um médico com seus dois comparsas para um plano complicado: "vender" a Mercedes do sujeito para vários compradores, como se o carro fosse seu, e embolsar os milhares de dólares que os "compradores" dão como entrada. Ao longo do dia, os bandidos mantêm como reféns todos os integrantes da família. Mas logo os comparsas começam a ficar ambiciosos.
A comedy about aging, youth and other eternal truths. Of all days, precisely on her fiftieth birthday, Julia has to experience that age makes you invisible. Frustrated, she goes shopping and makes an acquaintance, spontaneously deciding to spend the evening with this stranger, rather than with the guests of her own birthday party. They wait for her in a restaurant, all dressed up and groomed, lively debating the years that have passed. The truths and wisdom of Julia's closest friends on aging and growing old are drowned increasingly in sufficient quantities of alcohol. In the mean time, on her eightieth birthday, Leonie, sulking over the loss of youth, is rebelling against her daughter, the senior citizen's home, conventions, and old age in general - and joyfully sabotaging the party in her honor.
Diretor de cinema conta a sua história e a de seus pais, revelando a sua trajetória familiar.
Horst Herold
A ascensão e o declínio do notório grupo terrorista alemão, a Fração do Exército Vermelho – um grupo de radicais que organizou bombardeios, roubos, sequestros e assassinatos no final dos anos 1960 e 1970, trazendo o caos à Alemanha do pós-guerra. Baseado no best-seller de não ficção de Stefan Aust.
Heinz Kilian
Herbert Schubert
The early films of Wim Wenders are now regarded as landmarks of European film. Alice in the Cities, Wrong Move and Kings of the Road became foundations of the German New Wave and cemented the reputation of their director. In One Who Set Forth: Wim Wenders' Early Years Marcel Wehn explores the background to these films. Through personal recollection and rare home movie footage, it documents the director's early life, from experiments with his first camera, via his deviation from a career in medicine in favour of art and film, through to international recognition for the Road Trilogy. Central to these were themes that became cornerstones of all his work: national identity, the importance of personal relationships and the allure of the road. With contributions from the director and the many collaborators who helped define his vision, One Who Set Forth is a compelling account of Wim Wenders' life and work.
Professor Rohl
Na Alemanha pós-2ª Guerra Mundial o adolescente Michael Berg se envolve, por acaso, com Hanna Schmitz, uma mulher que tem o dobro de sua idade. Apesar das diferenças de classe, os dois se apaixonam e vivem uma bonita história de amor. Até que um dia Hanna desaparece misteriosamente. Oito anos se passam e Berg, então um interessado estudante de Direito, se surpreende ao reencontrar seu passado de adolescente quando acompanhava um polêmico julgamento por crimes de guerra cometidos pelos nazistas.
Professor Stanciulescu
A love story wrapped in a mystery. Set in Europe before WWII, professor of language and philosophy Dominic Matei is struck by lightning and ages backwards from 70 to 40 in a week, attracting the world and the Nazis. While on the run, the professor meets a young woman who has her own experience with a lightning storm. Not only does Dominic find love again, but her new abilities hold the key to his research.
Kurt Heinrich
Based on the true story of the Bandō prisoner-of-war camp in World War I. It depicts the friendship of the German POWs with the director of the camp and local residents at the stage of Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture, in Japan.
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski
The eventful life of a humble Polish priest who once decried the pomp of the Catholic Church "a circus" and labeled the Pope a "prisoner of the Vatican" before ascending to the papal throne to usher Catholicism into the 21st century. Born in Poland and forced to carry on following the untimely death of his family, Karol Wojtyla endured both personal hardships and the rape of his homeland by the Third Reich to spread the word of God through the Catholic Church. Later, as Pope John Paul II, Wojtyla was beloved by millions of Catholics worldwide. From the sexual-abuse scandal that shook the American Catholic Church in the later-20th century to the murder of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and the near-fatal assassination attempt made on his own life, Pope John Paul II endured to bridge the gap between various faiths until his death resulting from Parkinson's disease in April of 2005.
Vitus é um rapaz que quase parece ser de outro planeta: tem um ouvido de morcego, toca piano como um virtuoso e estuda enciclopédias desde os 5 anos. Não admira que os seus pais comecem a antecipar-lhe um futuro brilhante. Contudo, o pequeno génio prefere brincar na oficina excêntrica do avô. O sonho dele é voar e ter uma infância normal. Por fim, com um salto dramático, Vitus ganha o controlo da sua própria vida…
Documentary about the personal and professional life of Pablo G. del Amo. He is the most influential movie editor in Spain.
The mystery of the author of the 1937 cult novel Ali and Nino - a recently-rediscovered Romeo and Juliet of the Caucasus - is explored in Alias Kurban Saïd. Renowned Dutch documaker Jos de Putter travels from Azerbaijan to Austria to the U.S., chasing down who wrote the book under the pseudonym Kurban Saïd.
Adolf Hitler
Em 1942, o jovem Traudl Junge tem o que parece ser a melhor profissão do mundo: ele é secretário de Hitler. Três anos depois, o império se resume a um abrigo subterrâneo e, de lá, Traudl narra os últimos dias da vida de do ditador.
Bennett Marco é um oficial americano com problemas de insónias, que sofreu uma emboscada no deserto do Kuwait, da qual foi salvo pelo heroísmo do sargento Raymond Shaw. À noite, todavia, os pesadelos de Marco revelam-lhe indícios sinistros de que a verdadeira história daquela emboscada tem outra explicação que não a oficialmente aceite e que Raymond Shaw não é o herói impoluto que parece.
Johann von Staupitz
Após quase ser atingido por um raio, Martim Lutero (Joseph Fiennes) acredita ter recebido um chamado. Ele se junta ao monastério, mas logo fica atormentado com as práticas adotadas pela Igreja Católica na época. Após pregar em uma igreja suas 95 teses, Lutero passa a ser perseguido. Pressionado para que se redima publicamente, Lutero se recusa a negar suas teses e desafia a Igreja Católica a provar que elas estejam erradas e contradigam o que prega a Bíblia. Excomungado, Lutero foge e inicia sua batalha para mostrar que seus ideais estão corretos e que eles permitem o acesso de todas as pessoas a Deus.
This is a documentary about the making of "Wings of Desire" (1987). The director, writer, actors, composer and other contributors speak at length and in detail about how the award-winning film was devised, cast, filmed, scored and edited.
Adam Rose
Second part of Goethe's Tragedy
Self (archive footage)
Klaus Kinski is one of the few German actors who has achieved international fame. He made headlines. And disappeared behind them. Kinski lived his parts 24/7. This film tells the story of a man who no longer could understand the difference or distinguish between fantasy and reality.
Fernando Girasoli
Em viagem a Itália, dona de casa é esquecida pela família em restaurante de beira de estrada. De início preocupada, decide realizar seu sonho e conhecer Veneza. Acaba estendendo sua estada por lá.
A group of actors making their way to Rome ends up losing its way due to the fog, the darkness, the ice and their own feelings of guilt, suddenly getting completely lost in the hills.
Narrator (voice)
Dramatic film
Documentary that recounts the ups and downs of the shooting of Eternity and a Day (1998), focusing on the exhaustive preparation of the shot-sequence that closes the film, and the peculiar way in which Theo Angelopoulos works with his technical team and actors.
Alexandre (Bruno Ganz), um famoso escritor se prepara para deixar a casa que sempre viveu. Ao arrumar seus pertences, encontra uma carta de sua mulher, Ana (Isabelle Renauld), sobre um dia de verão há 30 anos. Assim, ele começa estranha viagem, onde o passado e o presente se misturam. Enquanto reavalia a sua vida, Alexandre passa por uma nova experiência, ao ajudar um garoto albanês a cruzar a fronteira.
Narrator (German voice)
St. Stephen’s Cathedral ranks amongst Austria‘s most famous cultural monuments. Yet, one would not think of that Cathedral being one of the most astonishing natural areas in Austria.Georg Riha and his team have explored the Cathedral from its foundations to the top of its 136 meter spire and discovered a true botanical and zoological garden: wild animals, exotic butterflies, kestrels, moss, lichen and even trees.
Hans Plache
A gay man's return to his family in East Germany begins a series of tragic events.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Poetic biography of author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes.
Biagio Cavanna
Peter Keller
Esta sequência de Asas do Desejo de Wenders acompanha novamente um grupo de anjos que observam saudosamente a vida humana. Feito seis anos mais tarde, Berlim é um lugar muito diferente do filme anterior: unificada no papel, mas governada pelo crime, pela corrupção e pelos americanos.
The story of sisters Vicki and Beth, when Vicki begins an affair with Beth's intriguing French husband.
Four nameless people -- the old man, the woman, the soldier, and the gambler -- journey to a desolate wasteland beyond the limits of an unnamed city.
This ambitious overview of the history of Prague provides a wealth of information about the city, both visual and verbal, but suffers from a one-note presentation. One note dominates the narration, that of continuity between past and present, and also the camerawork -- contrived to be as artful and art filled as the narration. Modern and ancient architecture and other cultural attributes of Prague, including scenes from the stage play Amadeus serve as a backdrop to the lecture on the nature of Prague history -- a non-stop "continuity of consciousness."
Four lighthearted stories set in the idyllic Italian countryside: an old grouch finds himself followed by a stray dog; a lonely widow spies on her newly-wed son and daughter-in-law; a German tourist tries to seduce a younger nurse; a man wanders in the summer. The fourth segment was cut by Miramax for the US distribution.
An elderly couple leave their retirement home to make one last journey back to their home in the Western Fjords.
Jacques Tüverlin
For fans of history, this glimpse of Munich society in the 1920s will be a much-treasured event. The story revolves around an art-gallery manager who puts on a show featuring the scandalous works of a woman artist who committed suicide. He is unjustly accused of having committed adultery with her, and for some reason the authorities decide to make an example of him. He is imprisoned at about the same time that Hitler and the nascent Nazi party attempt the infamous Beer Hall Putsch, and the gallery manager's girlfriend and a Swiss writer valiantly (and unsuccessfully) attempt to get better justice for him. Nobody in authority, it seems, has the courage to take up the challenge of righting this particular injustice.
German narrator (voice)
O filme pretende ser um estudo do nacional-socialismo de Adolf Hitler sob o ponto de vista estético e de propaganda. De sua chegada ao poder à derrocada alemã na Segunda Guerra, passando pela tese da 'solução final' para os judeus, a produção busca acompanhar a ambição artística do Führer, que se considerava um 'artista na política'. Como um arquiteto disposto a 'embelezar' o mundo, Hitler ambicionava reconstruir a sociedade alemã através da arte. Procura ainda mostrar como a arte, a propaganda e a mídia podem ser facetas importantes de uma ideologia política.
Raymond Forbes
An expatriate American doctor in London allows herself to lighten up when her freewheeling younger sister and a mysterious man enter her life. Her inhibitions released, the beautiful doctor learns that freedom has its own price.
With three of his companions in a fatal gas-station robbery drowned while evading a police roadblock, the surviving young thug has no reason to turn himself in to the police, since they don't know about his existence. At least, that's the way his rescuer Bruno (Bruno Ganz) sees it. Besides, Bruno needs such an overly enterprising fellow to help him pull off a really big heist that he's been planning for a long time. It takes some doing, but the boy and his girlfriend are recruited by the older man, who has been keeping a low profile by working as a gardener.
Franco Bassani
Ezra Pound
Larger-than-life American author Ernest Hemingway is the subject of this biopic that chronicles the famous writer's life from childhood to his suicide at age 61. Haunted by various inner demons -- including his father's suicide -- Hemingway serves in World War I, marries four times, and finds creative support from Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein and other expatriates living in 1920s Paris.
Um anjo que observa a cidade dividida de Berlim deseja se tornar um humano mortal quando se apaixona por uma bela trapezista francesa.
Heinrich Beck
Follows two wealthy families in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. One of them is German, the other one Jewish.
Thomas Bernhard in Madrid.
During a long summer, the tranquility of a couple and their three children resting in a country house is altered with the arrival of the children's uncle, a character who exerts a curious influence on the boys and a morbid and strange attraction the wife. Twelve years after 'Los viajes escolares' (1973), his first commercial feature film, the Madrid director Jaime Chávarri returns to the same estate in the province of Segovia to shoot a new family story, about his own plot and script. Like its predecessor, 'The Golden River' contains a strong autobiographical charge and is full of personal resonances. But this new history of family ties is narrated from a perspective in which adultery manifests itself openly. Endowed with a slow narrative rhythm, the film presents an international cast headed by Ángela Molina, Bruno Ganz, Francesca Annis and Stefan Gubser. The film also has the presence of a very young Juan Diego Botto, in one of his first appearances on the big screen.
Otto, a Jewish refugee who managed to escape from Berlin in the early days of WW2, is now the owner of an Amsterdam ice cream parlor. Otto's place soon becomes a microcosm of the city with its German invaders, Dutch collaborators and anti-fascist resistance groups.
Computer operator Faber works on securing computers for big companies and banks. His private life is rather dull until he meets a strange women, Juliet and falls in love. Her friend convinces Faber to exploit his knowledge to rob a bank.
Farto do mar, Paul, um mecânico suíço que trabalha nas barulhentas entranhas de um navio mercante, desembarca em Lisboa.
The third episodical film, after Deutschland im Herbst and Der Kandidat, in which notable German film makers reflect on the state of their country.
Georg Laschen
Georg Laschen leaves his family in West Germany to go work as a war correspondent in Beirut during the fights between Christians and Palestinians.
The reunion of a group of former medical students results in a flood of bitter memories.
Jakob Nüssli
In this interesting World War I drama, Bruno Ganz gives a compelling performance as Jakob, an obsessive inventor who lives in a Swiss village. He receives unconditional support from his friend Otti (Walo Luond), but that is about all; the other villagers do not tolerate Jakob's eccentricities very well, and regard him as a crackpot. He perserveres in spite of this obstacle and finally invents a viable carriage that does not run on wheels but on a tread. Unfortunately for Jakob, the military have already come up with the same invention: the tank. The discovery finally breaks him, and he is quickly shuttled off to an asylum.
Count Perregaux
A young girl from the provinces, comes to Paris with one goal: to become a part of the rich bourgeoisie. To achieve this she will use her unique beauty and charm.
Rémy Muller
In this drama, a provincial girl goes to Paris in search of her fortune. Although she finds the City of Light to be quite different from what she'd imagined it to be, the girl manages to retain her dignity. It is only after she is thoroughly disillusioned by her experiences there that she returns to her country life.
Two men and a young girl meet at the end of the world
A troubled gentleman named David ponders whether vegemite can be consumed undiluted without posing a health risk. Meanwhile his friend, a senior government official, returning from an evening, has a car accident and his passenger dies in the accident. He puts the corpse in the driver's seat, but there is a witness. To eliminate this annoying witness, he calls on his David, a physicist, who wants to make it a perfect crime by quantifying the risk taken in each of its stages. And compressing it enough to make the execution of the most improbable.
Werner Herzog discusses the making of "Nosferatu" on set.
Dr Kern
Julien seeks to reconquer Jeanne, his ex-wife, of whom he is separated and who lives with another man. He is prepared to go far to make it happen.
Jonathan Harker
Jonathan Harker é enviado à Transilvânia para completar a negociação de algumas propriedades com um homem chamado Conde Drácula. No caminho encontra camponeses que tentam dissuadi-lo, dizendo que coisas sobrenaturais acontecem no castelo do Conde, mas Harker continua sua missão para concluir a negociação e seu trabalho.
Thomas Rosemund
A scientist who swore off playing chess after a nervous breakdown as a boy wunderkind, creates an undefeated chess program. But the Russian world champ beats Tommy Rosemund's masterwork in a televised match. So the West German mathematician becomes a top chess pro himself, which the West German media boast will prove the superiority of Germany and democracy. The jowly, white-faced Rosemund believes that the entire Red Communist bloc is out to stop him from vanquishing their atheist pretty boy, Stefan Koruga, to become the next Bobby Fischer and a symbol that capitalism is preferable to socialism.
Uma noite, procurando sua ex-esposa, Hoffmann vai ao centro de jovens onde ela trabalha. A polícia está cercando os radicais que frequentam o centro. Hoffmann corre para dentro do prédio e acaba sendo baleado na cabeça. Ele acorda com traumatismo cerebral, parcialmente paralisado e incapaz de falar. A polícia o acusou de esfaquear um oficial; os radicais afirmam que é uma vítima inocente da brutalidade policial. Durante sua lenta recuperação no hospital, Hoffmann deve juntar os pedaços de sua vida e lutar para relembrar os acontecimentos daquela noite. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Professor Bruckner
O ensandecido médico Joseph Mengele (Gregory Peck), que fez milhares de experiências genéticas com judeus (inclusive crianças), vive no Paraguai e planeja o nascimento do 4º Reich. Para obter tal objetivo, faz 94 clones de Hitler quando ele era um garoto. Mas isto não basta, pois diversas variáveis necessitam serem criadas para traçar o perfil psicológico de Hitler. Entretanto Ezra Lieberman (Laurence Olivier), um judeu que é um caçador de nazistas, descobre a trama e tenta impedir que tal plano se concretize.
A viagem solitária de uma mulher após decidir separar-se do marido, ficando sozinha em casa com o seu pequeno filho. O filme descreve a sua redescoberta do mundo, entre o silêncio da solidão e a liberdade de uma nova independência.
Jonathan Zimmermann
O moldurista Jonathan Zimmerman sofre de uma doença fatal. Ao cruzar o caminho de Tom Ripley, traficante de obras de arte falsificadas, ele é arrastado para o mundo do crime. Zimmerman recebe a oferta de matar em troca de dinheiro, o que asseguraria o bem-estar de sua família após a sua morte.
Gregers Werle
Consul Werle holds a reception in honour of the homecoming of his son Gregers. At the
reception, Gregers meets his childhood friend, Hjalmar Ekdal, who is married to Gina, a former maid of the Werle family. Hjalmar is unaware that Werle had an affair with Gina and that their 14-year-old daughter Hedwig is not his child. Gregers moves in with the Ekdals with the intention of allowing unsuspecting Hjalmar and his family to share in the "happiness of truth". Hedwig is entirely devoted to a wild duck, which lives on a pond outside their house.
When Hjalmar learns the truth about his daughter, he wants to leave his family. Gregers advises Hedwig to kill the wild duck so that her father, impressed by this sacrifice, will return home. On the following day, Hedwig's birthday, she doesn't shoot the duck, but shoots herself instead.
Der Graf
A German Marquise has to deal with a pregnancy she cannot explain and an infatuated Russian Count.
Heinrich Grun
Sarah, an actress nearing her forties, has invited 3 friends to join her for a holiday in Provence. This is the prologue for what happened a year ago in Paris with a man Sarah had long considered a platonic friend. She had just finished a film, had also finished her relationship with the director and was about to receive an award…
Jakov Shalimov
A group of people from the wealthy middle class in engage in quasi intellectual quarrels and discussions trying to find some meaning in their comfortable and indolent life. Adaptation of the play by Maxim Gorky.
Prinz Friedrich Arthur von Homburg
Heinz Hallasch
George Garga
An inexplicable showdown between two men and the downfall of a family that has moved from the prairies to the jungle of the big city.
Ulrich Braeker
Bernhard Krahl
Bernhard works as a warehouse clerk in Munich. After being sentenced to probation for a physical altercation with a right-wing extremist, he could no longer continue his engineering studies. Bernhard meets Johanna. She comes from a well-to-do family; her father is a real-estate developer and her brother is in the diplomatic service. Bernhard wants to share his roots with her, so the two go to Prague, where he lived until the end of the war. But her father disapproves of the trip to the Eastern bloc. When Bernhard finds out that he owes his chance to develop new technology, which led to his career advancement, to his girlfriend’s father, he is upset …
Moritz Stiefel
Fred Weber
A poor family with 6 kids that live in a ramshackle hut are suddenly offered a nice flat for cheap - with the landlord hoping they'll drive away their new neighbors whom he wants out of his building.
Hugo Wiederkehr, as a dutiful bank employee, has to deal with all kinds of customers. Among other things, with the industrialist Meissen and his pretty daughter Christine, with whom he falls in love. However, it remains unmatched because it belongs to a different social class. He also works as a hobbyist and inventor, which also requires a lot of money. When his employer refuses to give him a loan because his father is in prison for fraud, he quits disappointed.