Depois de anos ausente, um escritor retorna à casa da família em Israel para cuidar de seu pai doente e deve enfrentar seu irmão mais novo amargurado, que assumiu toda a responsabilidade pela padaria da família e se casou com a mulher a quem ambos amavam.
Only 5 flight hours from Paris, in a working-class suburb of Tel Aviv, two people meet. He is a bred-and-born Israeli and she is a Russian immigrant. He is a taxi driver and she is a music teacher. He has no aspirations. She gave up hers long ago. He is afraid of flying and she is about to fly away. What are the odds of them ending up together?
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict manifests in its most complicated form over one night, and the encounter between two Israeli soldiers and the two Palestinian residents of the house to which the soldiers escape after their vehicle is attacked.
In May 1948, shortly before the creation of the State of Israel, hundreds of immigrants from across Europe arrive in Palestine--only to risk arrest by British troops.