Gone Ghosting is a popular ghost hunting team that earned millions from live broadcasts and selling merch. One day, their cameraman leaves and leaks evidence that Alex faked the investigations. Lise, Catta, Sandro, and Polly join the group to live-stream a ghost hunt to prove that everything is real. They break into a place where legend says everyone has died and do the craziest broadcast ever live.
Gone Ghosting is a popular ghost hunting team that earned millions from live broadcasts and selling merch. One day, their cameraman leaves and leaks evidence that Alex faked the investigations. Lise, Catta, Sandro, and Polly join the group to live-stream a ghost hunt to prove that everything is real. They break into a place where legend says everyone has died and do the craziest broadcast ever live.
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which an ancient Swedish witch is said to live.
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which an ancient Swedish witch is said to live.
A young woman is found unconscious in a city street - claims to be another person who was brutally murdered two months earlier - escapes from a psychiatric hospital in order to prove her identity and find the truth about her life, her death, and her murderer.
Uma família é brutalmente assassinada e há apenas um sobrevivente, um garoto gravemente ferido e traumatizado, o filho mais novo da família. Depois que ele se recupera, os investigadores não conseguem extrair dele nenhum detalhe a respeito do crime, apesar de saberem que ele sabe de alguma coisa e o trauma está dificultando suas lembranças. Numa tentativa de solucionar o caso, o detetive que chefia a operação relutantemente convoca um terapeuta conhecido por usar a hipnose como método de trabalho para acessar o subconsciente de seus pacientes. Entretanto, o que o hipnotista revela é muito pior do que todos esperavam e todos que se envolveram no caso podem estar em perigo.
The Rantanen family and their child friendly adventures in the hotel business continues on the big screen.
Four tourists travel to to the Swedish island of Gotland in the month of September hoping for the time of their lives. They soon discover however that in the time of year of their choosing for the vacation, is a time of year where Swedes are anywhere but on the island. The four tourists soon discover that the few inhabitants of the island are carrying a secret; a secret that is about to make the four wish they had never come to Sweden.
Four tourists travel to to the Swedish island of Gotland in the month of September hoping for the time of their lives. They soon discover however that in the time of year of their choosing for the vacation, is a time of year where Swedes are anywhere but on the island. The four tourists soon discover that the few inhabitants of the island are carrying a secret; a secret that is about to make the four wish they had never come to Sweden.
Four tourists travel to to the Swedish island of Gotland in the month of September hoping for the time of their lives. They soon discover however that in the time of year of their choosing for the vacation, is a time of year where Swedes are anywhere but on the island. The four tourists soon discover that the few inhabitants of the island are carrying a secret; a secret that is about to make the four wish they had never come to Sweden.