Bárbara Santos

Bárbara Santos


Bárbara Santos


Ash Wednesday
In a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Demétria waits for her daughter on the last day of Carnival. But a brutal police raid seals the fate of the two women. Set to Brazilian rhythms, this short musical addresses racism and other social conflicts.
Ash Wednesday
In a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Demétria waits for her daughter on the last day of Carnival. But a brutal police raid seals the fate of the two women. Set to Brazilian rhythms, this short musical addresses racism and other social conflicts.
Heightened physical desire can be both liberating and treacherous, as two women observe each other from their towers.
A Vida Invisível
Antigas cartas de sua irmã Guida, há muito desaparecida, surpreendem Eurídice, uma senhora de 80 anos. No Rio de Janeiro dos anos 1950, Guida e Eurídice são cruelmente separadas, impedidas de viverem os sonhos que alimentaram juntas ainda adolescentes.