Albina Antipenko


Na Rússia do século 16, sob o domínio do caos de Ivan o Terrível que acredita firmemente que ele é investido de uma santa missão. Acreditando que ele pode entender e interpretar os sinais, ele vê o Juízo Final aproximando-se. Ele estabelece o poder absoluto, destruindo cruelmente qualquer um que se interponha no seu caminho. Durante este reinado de terror, Philip, o superior do mosteiro nas Ilhas Solovetsky, um grande estudioso e amigo íntimo de Ivan, ousa se opor à tirania mística do soberano. O que se segue é um choque entre duas visões completamente opostas do mundo, esmagando a moral e a justiça, Deus e os homens. Um filme de grande escala com excelentes papéis de liderança de Mamonov e Yankovsky. Uma alegoria da Rússia Estalinista.
Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
A teenage girl Vika and a successful but single middle-aged woman get closer in an attempt to take revenge on Zoya’s former lover. They develop a taste for it. They steal and crush his car, burn down his house, and plan to destroy his family.
One Love in a Million
A young couple - Anna and Mityai suddenly find a case with one million counterfeited dollars.
Ostrov: A Ilha
1942, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Alemães capturam uma embarcação soviética no Mar Branco. Um jovem marinheiro entra em pânico e trai seu amigo, assassinando-o por ordem do inimigo. Ele pensa que sua vida está a salvo. Contudo, uma explosão afunda o barco. O ano é 1976. Em um pequeno monastério escondido em uma ilha no Mar Branco, náufragos estão abandonados. Eles estão esperando pela ajuda de Anatoly, um velho monge que é conhecido pelo seu poder de cura e previsão, mas que carrega consigo um terrível pecado. Qual é a conexão entre o marinheiro e o monge atormentado? (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A young and handsome prison guard falls in love with a beautiful lady-prisoner. She makes him hooked on sex and manipulates him into becoming a gang member. He kills and steals under her control.
The Mastermind
The Collector is using his massive collection of curiosities and arts to provoke and manipulate people into a different state of mind. The Collector's daughter is building her own collection, she is having an affair with three guests of her father, and they are about to make some strange discoveries.
The student, Rifle, has managed to seduce his professor's wife, Bomber, an average working guy, has bought a factory and Bullet, the casino lover, is hiding from creditors. They all share a common path and conscription. In the army they teach you that everything must be smart and in order - cockades, straps and all, otherwise you're not fit to call yourself a person, you're a maggot. For a real man, there's no better place than the army.
8 ½ $
Gera, a respected director of TV commercials, thinks he's capable of creating a fiction movie masterpiece. Predictably, he ends up with owning money to a mafia and no film to show for. To make his life even crazier he falls in love with a girl who belongs to the boss of mafia.
It Is Easy to Die
The Arrival of a Train
Almanac of five short stories commissioned by ROSKOMKINO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema.
Andrei's ex-girlfriend Tania (Anzhela Belyanskaya) has been constantly in danger of going to jail since he knew her. Their breakup was not his doing, and he is determined to keep her out of jail. Andrei (Oleg Menshikov) has a notion that, if he can raise enough money, he can smuggle her out of Russia into New York, where all will be well. While Andrei's grasp on reality may be tenuous, his ability to maneuver and scheme is unimpaired. He is a student filmmaker, and the kind of money he needs to save Tania with doesn't grow on trees. He begins raising funds by mugging men at public toilets, and graduates to stealing the drug money accumulated by more serious gangsters. After he has raised the money to accomplish his goal, his girl, the light of his life, confesses that she despises him, and then goes out and gets arrested.