Nathalie Krebs

Nathalie Krebs


Nathalie Krebs


Tanguy, le retour
Noëlle Sapin
16 years later, Tanguy, now 44, returns to his parents' house with his daughter Zhu under his arm because Meï Lin left him. Disappointed to see their "little one" in this state, Paul and Edith do everything to give him a taste for life, without realizing that by doing so, they braid the rope to hang themselves. Because Tanguy is starting to feel good with his parents.
O Acessório Final
L'hôtesse de l'air
The story of Aleksandra and Cyrille, a prominent, trendy, and very well-off Parisian couple, whose life is not quite the same after seven-year-old Alekseï from Russia suddenly pops up in their 100% cashmere, childless home. Aleksandra soon realises that this little boy they have adopted is not quite what she had been hoping for...
A Princesa de Montpensier
La duègne de Marie
A França do século 16 está dividida pela guerra entre protestantes e católicos. Apaixonada por seu primo (o duque Henri de Guise) Marie de Mézières é obrigada a se casar com o católico príncipe Philippe de Montpensier, que nunca conheceu. Quando parte para lutar contra os protestantes ao lado do rei Carlos IX, o príncipe a manda para uma estada sob os cuidados do Conde de Chabannes. Mas a paixão antiga encontrará meios de se manifestar.
Madeleine Crapicheau
Missão Córsega - O Filme
Owner Villa Pinzuts
Remi François é conhecido também como Jack Palmer, um detetive particular que se acha tão irresistível com as mulheres quanto bom em seu trabalho, é contratado para encontrar Ange Leoni, um corso que herdou um dinheiro limpo, mas que desapareceu no ar. O que parecia ser uma missão simples, se torna um verdadeiro pesadelo para Jack Palmer assim que ele aterrissa na fabulosa ilha da Córsega. Tudo parece contribuir para que ele não encontre Ange Leoni, desde os locais que relutam a conversar, passando por separatistas que o sequestram, policiais pouco confiáveis até chegar ao próprio Leoni. Depois desta missão, Jack Palmer nunca mais trocará o céu cinzento de Paris pelo paraíso que se tornou para ele um verdadeiro inferno.
Les amateurs
Madame Meinau
In a suburb of Paris, the clumsy efforts of two friends in their twenties to make themselves loved by two young students.
A Big Girl Like You
Voluptuous and bored, rebellious sixteen-year-old Sabine is interested in sex and clubbing, and not much else. But when she leaves home to move to Paris, she finds herself plunged into a world harsher than she ever imagined, a minefield of exploitation that will test her courage.
Bem Me Quer, Mal Me Quer
Sonia Jasmin
Angélique (Audrey Tautou) é uma artista plástica que desenvolve uma paixão desmedida pelo médico Loïc (Samuel Le Bihan). A despeito de tudo o que seus amigos lhe dizem e de diversos acontecimentos que provam o contrário, Angélique persiste na idéia de que Loïc também a ama, transformando o que de início parecia ser um desencontro amoroso em uma perigosa obsessão.
Tanguy is 28 years old and still living with his parents. They think it's time he moves out. He doesn't, so they hatch a plan.
One Way Ticket
Jean-Pierre (Jacques Villeret), un attaché humanitaire qui travaille au ministère des Affaires Etrangères, accepte de reconduire un jeune clandestin (Lorant Deutsch) dans son pays d'origine. Celui-ci appartient à la tribu des Hommes Gris d'Irghiz, réfugiés depuis la préhistoire dans une cité interdite du Haut Atlas.
Un cœur oublié
Madame Geoffrin
Monsieur de Fontenelle has resisted feelings of love and passion all his life, but at an advanced age he meets a young woman who makes him discover the feeling he has always wanted to ignore: love.
Avec la participation de
The life of Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, famous french painter, who lived, enjoyed, loved in the late 1800s Paris' Montmartre cultural life. He suffered from suffered from congenital health conditions traditionally attributed to inbreeding. His lifestyle and work are a testimony of the late-19th-century parisian bohemian lifestyle, as he was commissioned to produce a series of posters for the Moulin Rouge cabaret opening. As an alcoholic, he was addicted to absinthe. The movie related his love affair with the french painter Suzanne Valadon.
La vérité est un vilain défaut
Bruckmann's wife
The trials and tribulations of a good guy who feels obliged to confess the truth to his wife or his boss every time he makes a mistake.
The Grand Dukes
Three aging and failed comedians, Georges Cox, Victor Vialat and Eddie Carpentier, hit the road again with a lousy production of a lousy play, of course under the worst possible conditions.
Good Old Daze
Philosophy teacher
Ten years after their Upper Sixth, Bruno, Momo, Leon and Alain meet together in the waiting room of a maternity hospital. The father of the awaited baby is Tomasi, their best friend at that time, who died one month before due to an overdose. They remember their teenage, their laughs, their dreams, their stupid pranks... a description of the French youth in the middle of the seventies. Part of ARTE's series "The high school years".
Les dessous de la passion
The Secret Wife
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?