Ma Yili

Ma Yili

Nascimento : 1976-06-29, Shanghai, China


Ma Yili


B for Busy
李小姐 / Miss Li
Miss Li leads her daughter to live a single life. Beibei, keen to dance tango after divorce. Gloria, her rich and leisurely husband is missing. Three completely different women meet because of Lao Bai, and become mixed. Shanghai Grand Uncle Lao Bai calls himself a miscellaneous specialist, specializes in teaching the elderly to paint. Lao Bai's friend, Lao Wu, talks witty and has pursued romance all his life. After a few meals, the living room of the Lai Bai's house becomes a gathering place for everyone. Three women and two men, in the modern city of Shanghai, they use wisdom and humor to portray various colors in the city.
My People, My Country
Adult Zhao Qimei (segment "The Champion")
Anthology of short films directed by several different directors.
Number One
Zhen Zhen's boss
Enter the Forbidden City
Princess Feng
During the dates of celebrating the Emperor's 80th birthday, an opera troupe from southern China was invited to come to Beijing to perform for the Emperor. Afterwards, the opera troupe was granted to stay in Beijing and became what we had known as 'Peking Opera' today.
Goddesses In The Flames Of War
The Road Not Taken
A Gobi Desert ostrich farmer indebted to the local mob agrees to take care of a kidnapped boy until the father provides the ransom.
Lost, Found
Sun Fang
Li Jie, a lawyer, is taking divorce proceedings to try to get custody of her daughter. As she is working hard to earn a better life for her daughter, she hires a baby sitter, Sun Fang, to watch her child. One day, Li comes home only to find her child and Sun have disappeared. Unfortunately, Li is suspected by both her family and the police, and must lean on herself to trace Sun alone.
The Founding of an Army
The Founding of an Army is a 2017 Chinese film commissioned by China's government to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army.
When Larry Met Mary
Lu Yao met his kindergarten classmate Ma Li in colleague, and his attraction towards her grows in his heart. Unfortunately, he was one step too slow to tell her his affection. In the following ten years, Ma Li went through following in love, breaking up, marriage, divorce, and getting married again soon. At the same time, Lu Yao has also experienced two fruitless relationships. What would happen next?
Guerra Fria
Michelle Lau
Na sequência do filme de ação de Hong Kong 2012, os rivais chefes de polícia M.B. Lee e Sean Lau devem trabalhar juntos para salvar a esposa e filha de Sean que foram sequestradas.
Dupla em Fúria
The Lieutenant
Quando uma série de assassinatos misteriosos começam a assustar a cidade, o rebelde Wang (Zhang Wen) e o veterano Huang (Jet Li) são designados para resolver esse enigma. Durante a investigação a dupla descobre que todas as vítimas tiveram relação com Liu, uma aspirante a estrela. Agora, um deles terá que se disfarçar de amante, de forma que o assassino revele sua identidade.
Guerra Fria
Michelle Chan Suet-yi
Uma quadrilha dá seu golpe mais ousado ao sequestrar cinco homens do corpo de elite da polícia de Hong Kong. Nas negociações com as autoridades (Charlie Yeung, Perigo em Bangkok), os sequestradores revelam estar muito bem informados. E eles têm um plano ambicioso e letal.
Love Is Not Blind
Xiaoxian’s life is right on track. She has a steady job at an upscale wedding planning company, a cute apartment, and most importantly, a loving boyfriend of 7 years. Any day now, Xiaoxian is sure that he’ll pop the question. But everything comes crashing down when she discovers that he’s actually cheating on her— with her best friend. How could things go so wrong? Dumped and heartbroken, Xiaoxian is a total mess. It doesn’t help that she has to face perky brides every day. Things go from bad to worse until her sassy, but jaded, co-worker Jian intervenes. It’s not that Jian really cares. It’s more that he’s sick of witnessing her pathetic decline. Xiaoxian seriously needs to get a grip. 33 days into her breakup, Jian’s brand of tough love is working, but Xiaoxian still can’t help wondering: will she ever get a chance at love again?
Tracks Kong Lingxue
Tracking Kong
Jiang bei hao ren
Villagers pooled up money and drive a sick widow to Yangzhou on a tractor to see a doctor.
Eyes of a Beauty
An aging opera singer facing retirement and a divorce. An energetic young woman seeking to escape her mundane life with her boyfriend. A young teacher obsessed with a new and rebellious student from Shanghai. All of them have one thing in common: their lives are intertwined with Xi Shi's, one of ancient China's legendary beauties.
Fall in Love at First Sight
Chinese film directed by Gang Xia.
Handsome Go Away