P.J. Nicholas


Young Kid
Four lads decide to meet up and do a robbery planned by Sweeny, an angry, agressive but small young man who is like a time bomb waiting to go off. The robbery never happens because the boys soon realise Sweeny hasn't put enough thought into the job. His closest friend Tel has a more gentle side to him and falls for a girl at a party called Kak. Gombo is released from a young offenders, and along with Tony finds Sweeny to give him a kicking which actually ends up with Sweeny giving Gombo a kicking! In the end they find an empty house where the owners are away on holiday so they decide to break in. This doesn't quite go to plan either.
A Safe House
John Maguire
In the aftermath of the Guildford and Woolwich pub bombings, a large number of people of Irish descent were rounded up for questioning by the police in London. Most were subsequently released. But for the Maguire family, 3 December 1974 was the start of a nightmare that is only now ending.
William Parsons
Um homem perde sua identidade vivendo sob um regime repressivo. Nesta história baseada no clássico de George Orwell, Winston Smith (John Hurt) é um funcionário público cuja função é reescrever a história de forma a colocar os líderes de um país fictício sob uma luz positiva. As escapadelas românticas com Julia (Suzanna Hamilton) proporcionam sua única fonte de distração, mas os políticos desaprovam o relacionamento. Em uma sociedade monitorada de perto, não há como escapar do Grande Irmão.