Peter Mitterrutzner

Peter Mitterrutzner

Nascimento : 1942-06-27, Bressanone, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy


Peter Mitterrutzner


Depois que o corpo de uma garota de programa é encontrado no lago gelado nas montanhas, o caso se torna pessoal para a investigadora.
Abbi fede
Herrgott für Anfänger
Taxi driver meets love,God,frendship,with bunch of great humor.
The Eremites
Albert (Andreas Lust) cresceu isolado em uma fazendo nas montanhas dos Alpes. Mesmo com 30 anos, sua mãe ainda controla as rédeas da sua vida. Por pressão dela, ele deixa a fazenda e passa a morar em um vale próximo e a trabalhar em uma mina de mármore. O desejo de Marianne (Ingrid Burkhard) é proteger o filho de levar uma vida solitária e pobre nas montanhas, estando disposta a romper com as tradições da fazenda. Quando o pai de Alvbert morre acidentalmente, Marianne teme que o filho passe a assumir o pai dele na fazenda. Ao invés de avisá-lo, ela enterra o corpo nas montanhas e decide esconder a verdade de Albert.
Isidor Falkner
O corpo de uma turista é encontrado em uma montanha. A investigação se concentra nos moradores de uma cidadezinha, que parece tranquila.
King Laurin
A very young King.
Trennung auf Italienisch
In order to complete their divorce, Eva and Mark need to sell their house in Italy. But the house is in a terrible state and they need to work together to renovate it for the potential buyers. Though they have both moved on to new relationships, their lingering feelings and past hurts must be dealt with before they can find happiness.
Heimat Südtirol - La missione di Michael Gamper
O Silêncio da Montanha
Itália, 1915. Os jovens Andreas (William Moseley) e Francesca (Eugenia Costantini) se conhecem no casamento da irmã dele e logo se apaixonam perdidamente. Na mesma época, a Itália declara guerra a Áustria-Hungria e a Primeira Guerra Mundial eclode. Andreas é chamado a lutar no fronte, nas montanhas Dolomitri, localizadas no norte da Itália, mas deixa com Francesca um sinalizador para que ela acenda caso esteja em perigo. Quando o conflito se agrava, o batalhão do rapaz descobre que o seu vilarejo está sendo atacado, e no momento em que a moça pede ajuda, ele precisa decidir entre lutar pelo seu país ou por sua amada.
Die Gruberin
Xaver Gruber
La prima neve
Michele is eleven years old and lives in a small town in the mountains of Trento, with his mother and his paternal grandfather Pietro; his father has recently died. The boy’s pain meets that of Dani, a boy from Togo, who is a total ‘stranger’ to that place covered in snow which he has never seen before in his life.
Vatertage - Opa über Nacht
The 37-year-old Munich survivor and rickshaw driver Basti struck by lightning than one day unexpectedly the 17-year-old Dina from Bitterfeld turns up on his doorstep and quite credible claims to be his daughter. Moreover, they presented him her baby Paul and asks Basti, fearing further turmoil, not only attention, but also money.
Was machen Frauen morgens um halb vier?
About Franzi Schwanthaler the sky collapses. She is a single mother and baker in a Bavarian village, and here the branch of an internationally operating back chain with dumping prices snatches her away. Her boss and father suffers from a heart attack, which in turn leaves her older sister arrive from Berlin, and chronically knows everything better and distributes good advice. But should Franzi really seek a new livelihood in the city and let her father down with the competition and crushing bank debts? No. She does not give up so fast.
Klarer Fall für Bär - Gefährlicher Freundschaftsdienst
Anton Greiss
Eine ganz heiße Nummer
Vater Brandner
Die Tochter des Mörders
Helmut Meiwald
"Was ist, wenn man strampelt und strampelt, um an die Spitze zu kommen, und dann merkt, dass man nur davongelaufen ist?" Diese Frage quält Hanna Meiwald (Sophie von Kessel). Just als die gewiefte Münchner Geschäftsfrau einen Riesendeal über die Bühne bringen will, wird sie von der Vergangenheit eingeholt. Ihr dementer Vater wurde von einem Zug überfahren, nun muss sie in ihr Dorf zurückkehren. Sie war fünf, als ihr Vater für den Mord an ihrer Mutter verurteilt wurde. Jahrzehntelang hat "Mörderbalg" Hanna das Heimatkaff gemieden. Dort, wo nach wie vor Engstirnigkeit und Tratsch regieren, stößt Hanna aber auf eine Spur, die Zweifel an der Schuld ihres Vaters weckt. Mit Kommissar Arnsberger (Brandt) rollt sie den Fall neu auf…
Die Hüttenwirtin
Bauer Steiner
Sau Nummer vier. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
Gerhard Baumgartner
Der Atem des Himmels
Dr. Dobler
The Austrian musician and author Reinhold Bilgeri produced and directed the film, which is based on his 2005 historic novel of the same name. The events in the movie are based on the worst avalanche catastrophe in Alpine history.
The Holy Land of Tyrol
Gruber Lehrer
Set in the 1800s when Napoleon’s French ruled Europe, the film follows young Austrian carpenter Franz and his Bavarian wife, Katharina as an unforeseen event forces them to flee from Augsburg, Bavaria for Franz’s family home in Tyrol, Austria. Tyrolian sentiment is rising strongly against Napoleon and trouble is stirring. In no time it sweeps up Franz and his brothers along with the whole town.
Toni Bonatti
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar
Prinz Carl
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
Räuber Kneißl
Bauer mit Güllewagen
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
The Best Place to Be
Katis Opa
After they have graduated from school, the two best friends Kati and Jo jump into their purple Benz and embark on a journey around the world southwards. Kati, however, struggled with the decision for the journey as the love of her life returned to their hometown Tandern shortly before their departure. The journey leads the two friends over the Brenner pass, where their car suddenly stops working. When Kati then also learns that her grandfather is about to die, she wants to return home – this puts the friendship of the two to an acid test.
Zwei Herzen und ein Edelweiß
Beste Zeit
Katis Opa
Kati drives the VW bus of her parents even without a license quite fast. But what else should one do in the Bavarian province? Kati and her best friend Jo keep asking themselves this question when they philosophize about God and the world with the tip in one hand and the beer in the other hand. After all, Kati's swarm Mike has just come back from the Bundeswehr, but while she dreams of the great love, he seems to take the matter far less seriously. And there's only stress with her dad.
Das Weihnachts-Ekel
Kurhotel Alpenglück
König der Herzen
Jakob Gschnitzer
Marias letzte Reise
Die Geierwally
Rock Crystal
Wirt Joseph
The towns of Gschaid and Millsdorf are in a constant state of feuding with each other. Nevertheless Gschaid's Sebastian and Millsdorf's Susanne are married. In her husband's town Susanne has to put up with daily harassment by the locals, which also extends to her two children. Finally she moves back to her parents, alone. When the children, who long to find a magical crystal they believe has the power to reunite the family, get lost in a howling blizzard on the exposed mountain after bringing their mother her Christmas presents, both towns set up rescue missions.
Annas Heimkehr
In WWII Munich, Anna works for a Nazi family as a nanny but secretly steals food and cigarettes and bring those to a Jewish family, who hides from the Nazis. One day, the family is discovered and only by chance can Anna save the family's only daughter, Franziska. Together they escape to Anna's native village where Anna tells everybody that Franziska is her daughter...
Andreas Hofer
Knecht Simon Zoderer
Alle für die Mafia
Dunkle Wasser
Dr. Anton Siebert