Gerhard Liebmann

Gerhard Liebmann

Nascimento : 1970-04-20, Graz, Austria


Gerhard Liebmann


Vice Lieutenant Eismayer is the most feared trainer and model macho in the Austrian Military and lives as a gay man in secret. When he falls in love with a young, openly gay soldier, his world gets turned upside down. Based on real events.
Broll + Baroni – Für immer tot
Man kann nicht alles haben
Rainer Fiedler
Todesurteil - Nemez und Sneijder ermitteln
Rudolf Breinschmidt
Sabine Nemez is now studying at the BKA academy with the eccentric forensic scientist Sneijder. Although she is shocked by the death of her boyfriend, her lecturer puts the young investigator on three unsolved murders. Second case of the duo after Andreas Gruber.
The Master Butcher
Dr. Hagenau
After his return from World War I, there is no more work for Fidelis in his parents' butcher shop in Swabia, Germany. To make a better life for himself and Eva, the former fiancée of a friend who fell in battle, he emigrates to Argus, a town in North Dakota, in the United States. The artist Delphine, in whom Eva will find a friend, also moves there. To relieve Eva's homesickness, Fidelis founds a singing club.
Shillings from Heaven
Tyrol, 1932: The world economic crisis is at its peak, radical political movements emerge. In a small Austrian community, the engine driver Michael Unterguggenberger accepts the mayor's office against better knowledge. But how is he supposed to save Wörgl? The power of despair and the support of his wife Rosa form the breeding ground for a daring experiment: Unterguggenberger wants to print his own money without further ado - so-called work confirmation notes. For this he not only has to convince the community of his city, but above all to rebel against the mighty banking.
Gerold Plassek is an unsuccessful journalist on a free sheet. As an ex-girlfriend who suddenly has to go abroad and entrusted him with her son Manuel, his everyday life changes suddenly. The critical 14-year-old becomes a real challenge. Manuel has no idea that this "failure" is his father - "Geri" lacks any drive, the local pub is his living room and alcohol is his most reliable friend. But his misanthropic life is moving.
A Tabacaria
Franz é um rapaz de 17 anos de idade que chega a Viena para trabalhar como aprendiz em uma tabacaria. Ali, ele conhece Sigmund Freud, um cliente frequente. Com o passar do tempo, os dois, apesar de origens muito distintas, desenvolvem uma amizade única. Quando Franz se apaixona perdidamente pela dançarina Anezka, ele busca os conselhos de seu amigo Sigmund, que, apesar de ser um renomado psicanalista, admite que o sexo feminino é um grande mistério para ele em termos românticos. A tensão política e social aumenta dramaticamente na Áustria, piorando com a chegada dos nazistas à capital. Franz, Sigmund e Anezka se perdem no meio do caos da cidade e cada um terá uma decisão difícil para tomar: ficar ou fugir de Viena?
Pistenchef Stusnik
The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.
Anatomia de um Julgamento
Julius Kloiber
Baseado na história real do julgamento contra o respeitado político Franz Murer, na Áustria em 1963. Em seu passado, Murer fez parte de um organização militar nazista e foi o responsável pelo gueto de Vilnius de 1941 a 1943, onde seus residentes o chamavam de O Açougueiro de Vilnius. Apenas 600 dos 80 mil judeus que originalmente viviam lá sobreviveram ao domínio nazista. Durante o julgamento, sobreviventes vieram de todo o mundo para testemunhar, deixando poucas dúvidas sobre a culpa de Murer e resultando em um dos mais graves escândalos do governo austríaco
Erik & Erika
Vater Schinegger
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
In the morning after a wild marriage between two police officers Franz Eberhofer finds himself woken from heavy-armed special forces, who arrest him because of suspected murder. His boss, inspector Barschl, was found dead, killed by Franz' knife in his back - furthermore he and Franz were known in the whole village as archrivals. Franz is lucky that his father can testify an alibi for him, so that he is released again. Together with his friend and colleague Rudi Birkenberger they try to prove his innocence and to find the true murderer. However, there are more Problems to be solved: like Paul, his grandma's young love, or his girlfriend Susi, who pushes for marriage.
Maximilian and Marie De Bourgogne
In 1477 Charles the Bold dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule without a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Schorsch (45)
Cidade da Morte
Hannes Muck
A paz de uma cidade pequena é totalmente abalada quando um corpo é encontrado em uma mina abandonada. Família, amigos e vizinhos são todos suspeitos.
Pfarrer (uncredited)
A policeman suspects that several bizarre deaths in the same family were murders and that the killer is a mysterious woman who just moved to the village.
Die Seelen im Feuer
Heinrich Moorhaupt
A drama directed by Urs Egger.
O Vale Negro
Lukas' Father
Áustria, 1875. Greider é um americano de ascendência austríaca que aparece em uma vila remota nas montanhas, lar de seus ancestrais por gerações. Os moradores oferecem abrigo ao estranho em troca de um generoso pagamento. Porém, eles não suspeitam que o homem sabe de um segredo guardado pela comunidade e está lá para buscar vingança.
Bad Fucking
Jakob Ulrich
Because of its name, the small Austrian town of Bad Fucking is a tourist attraction—until a landslide cuts it off from the rest of the country. Three years later, a murder sets a multitude of devastating delevopments in motion...
Live is Life 2
Follows "Live is Life" aka "Die Spätzünder".
Geleira Sangrenta
Em plena Europa Central, nos Alpes Austríacos, algo de misterioso acaba de acontecer, quando um estranho líquido avermelhado começa a escorrer pelas montanhas de gelo! Enquanto um grupo ambientalista, no qual se inclui a ministra, se desloca para a estação de investigação, o grupo de cientistas residentes, com o intuito de não provocar um caos a nível mundial, tenta solucionar o mistério do problemático vazamento que, de uma forma assustadora, está a afectar e a por em risco o habitat das espécies da vida selvagem local!"
A nameless man receives phone calls intended for someone else and ends up pretending to be that person, while a female character rebels against her author.
Der Eisenhans
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Iron John“.
Der Winzerkrieg
Walter Fakler
Roman Kogler tem 18 anos e está preso em um centro de detenção juvenil. Ele já cumpriu parte de sua pena e pode ser solto em liberdade condicional, mas tem poucas chances de se reabilitar: não tem família e parece incapaz de lidar com a sociedade. Depois de muitas tentativas fracassadas, Roman encontra um trabalho em liberdade condicional no necrotério de Viena. Um dia, ele se depara com o cadáver de uma mulher morta que leva o nome de sua família. A descoberta leva o rapaz a se interrogar sobre seu passado pela primeira vez e a iniciar uma busca por sua mãe.
Die Mutprobe
Day & Night
An unreservedly matter-of-fact look at two young women who consider prostitution an adventure until reality catches up with them.
The Unintentional Kidnapping of Mrs. Elfriede Ott
Gerry Dirschl
Horst receives the monthly pension from his grandmother. The only problem is, that she is dead. As a local politician wants to congratulate the grandmother to her birthday Horst "borrows" an old lady from a hospital nearby, not recognizing that he just kidnapped actress Elfriede Ott.
Live Is Life
A greater-Vienna seniors' home is run like a prison by the stuck-up female executive and staff. Hippie-type rebel Rochus 'Rocco' Siwak incurs a community service to be spent there as orderly. Sympathizing with seniors who still aspire to some dignity and self-realization, he helps them get around the rules, such as smuggling in contraband, and ends up inspiring them to form a rock band and enter a free podium competition. But it doesn't square with his own last shot as band guitarist.—KGF Vissers
Pater Nigl
Christine é uma mulher solitária, quase totalmente deficiente e faz uma viagem para Lourdes, local icônico de peregrinação nas montanhas dos Pireneus, que acaba transformando sua vida. Não que ela acredite em milagres – porém essa é a única maneira onde ela poderia encontrar uma saída.
The Bone Man
Mais uma vez, algo aconteceu. Um homem pelo nome de Horvath desapareceu, e a única pista que leva ao restaurante Löschenkohl, uma hospedaria conhecida especializada em frango assado. O investigator Brenner vai tentar resolver o caso...
Falco: Damn It, We're Still Alive!
Deals with the life, work, and tragic death of Johann "Falco" Hölzel. The biopic portrays his work through his early days, as member of the Viennese band "Drahdiwaberl", and later with his own hits as solo artist, like "Der Kommissar", "Wiener Blut", and his worldwide smash-hit "Rock Me Amadeus".
Heller als der Mond
A moonstruck comedy about lovers and robbers.