Paolo Tommasi


Oh, Grandmother's Dead
Costume Design
Relatives brawl over the estate of a deceased grandmother who owned an insecticide factory.They stop at nothing, including bumping each other off.
Oh, Grandmother's Dead
Production Design
Relatives brawl over the estate of a deceased grandmother who owned an insecticide factory.They stop at nothing, including bumping each other off.
Let's Talk About Men
Production Design
An industrial exploiter, an old knife thrower, a cynical professor, and an ungrateful husband depict the selfishness and superficiality of the male gender.
As Façanhas de Hércules
Assistant Costume Designer
O musculoso Hércules realiza seus trabalhos, navega com os Argonautas e vive um romance com a bela Iole. Inspirado na Mitologia Grega, o filme enfoca a figura de Hércules, o filho de Zeus que se tornou famoso graças à sua força descomunal e que, até sua morte trágica, protagonizou inúmeras façanhas, várias delas por exigência dos deuses. O roteiro do filme se vale da lenda dos Doze Trabalhos, fundindo-a com a de Jasão e os Argonautas.