Peter Eiff


A Flauta Mágica
Tim Walker, de 17 anos, viaja de Londres para os Alpes austríacos para frequentar o lendário internato Mozart. Lá, ele descobre uma passagem esquecida de séculos para o mundo fantástico de "A Flauta Mágica" de Mozart.
You Will Not Have My Hate
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love for his almost three-year-old son. And yet he seems to lose his footing in his grief.
Weißbier im Blut
Kreuzeder was once a successful commissioner, but now he rarely solves a case. After more than 20 years in the service, he just wants to retire as quickly as possible and leave everyday life in the homicide squad in Lower Bavaria behind. Kreuzeder is of the opinion that humanity is coming to an end anyway, so he prefers to get drunk in the tavern and flirt with the waitress Gerda Bichler there instead of going about his work.
A Tabacaria
Franz é um rapaz de 17 anos de idade que chega a Viena para trabalhar como aprendiz em uma tabacaria. Ali, ele conhece Sigmund Freud, um cliente frequente. Com o passar do tempo, os dois, apesar de origens muito distintas, desenvolvem uma amizade única. Quando Franz se apaixona perdidamente pela dançarina Anezka, ele busca os conselhos de seu amigo Sigmund, que, apesar de ser um renomado psicanalista, admite que o sexo feminino é um grande mistério para ele em termos românticos. A tensão política e social aumenta dramaticamente na Áustria, piorando com a chegada dos nazistas à capital. Franz, Sigmund e Anezka se perdem no meio do caos da cidade e cada um terá uma decisão difícil para tomar: ficar ou fugir de Viena?
A Garota Mais Linda do Mundo
17-year-old Cyril is funny, smart and an all-round good guy. Just his somewhat overlarge nose spoils the picture. On a school trip to Berlin with Roxy, a stunning new classmate, Cyril is not the only one taken with her. Benno, the class Casanova has his eye on the girl too and makes a nasty wager. Roxy is more interested in the introverted Rick, who is not only shy but also slow. Cyril hastens with his spoken word skills to Rick's aid, and falls head over heels in love with Roxy himself. So whose brave heart will win the fair lady?