Emil Horváth

Emil Horváth

Nascimento : 1945-11-12, Nitra, Slovakia


prof. Emil Horváth (* November 12, 1945, Nitra) is a Slovak actor, director and theater teacher. Son of actor Emil Jozef Horváth, husband of actress Viera Richterová. He graduated in acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in 1968. He was a member of the SNP Theater in Martin (1968 - 1976), then the New Stage in Bratislava (1976 - 1983). Since 1983, he has been a member of the Drama of the Slovak National Theater, where he has played a number of characters. In recent years, she has also directed (Caligula, Theatrical Comedy, Crazy Day, The Fourth Sister). As a director, he is also a guest at the West Theater in Bratislava (You Still Have Me, Darling, Inspector Drake and Perfect Crime), at the Andrej Bagar Theater in Nitra (… and I'm also a loser, Sylvia) and the State Theater Košice (Jožko Púčik and his career). He has starred in many films and television productions (Demeter, How Vinco Caught) and series (American Tragedy, 30 cases of Major Zeman). He co-directed two television films Still Two Farce… (1998) and The Torturous Secret (1999). He lectures on acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, where he obtained the title of professor in 2005. Since May 2011, he has been the director of the SND drama. His son Tomáš is a literary scientist, writer and translator. In 2005, the President of the Slovak Republic awarded him the Council of Ľudovít Štúr II. class for significant merits in the field of cultural development.


Emil Horváth
Emil Horváth


Film Adventurer Karel Zeman
A look at the life, work and importance of Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman (1910-89), a genius of world cinema, a wizard of special effects, revealing his sources of inspiration and his revolutionary filming techniques.
Polnočná omša
Les mrtvých
A ešte dve frašky...
A ešte dve frašky...
A ešte dve frašky...
Dvadsaťštyri hodín zo života istej ženy
O Jankovi kľúčiarovi
Eros a Psycha
Jahňa chudobného
Mário, zapískaj...!
The Damned House of Hajn
Petr Svejcar
Sonya is the heiress to the riches of a Czech noble family—the Hajns. Petr, a social climber marries her, ignoring some shady goings-on—in particular, an insane uncle who prowls the mansion believing himself invisible, a peccadillo the family indulges. The uncle’s stalking every corner of the house, popping out of cupboards and out from behind curtains slowly takes its toll on the young bride.
Pani Berta Garlanová
Génius jednej noci
The World Knows Nothing
Tomás Jakl
The story takes place in the Czech-German border region in 1938. The hero Tomás Jakl marries but the marriage is not very lucky and falls apart. His German friend forced him to enter the Nazi party.
The Southern Mail
Ján Jurkovic
Based on the eponymous novel by Ladislav Ballek.
Víkend za milión
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Hniezdo na ôsmom poschodí
Ťažká profesia
O dievčine Rozprávočke
Teta na zjedenie
Ako sa Vinco zaťal
One Silver Piece
Martin Uher
It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee to complete the eight woodcutters work team of Czechs, Slovaks and one Pole - the young guy is Martin Uher, a former clerk form Prague. The eight tough men do not trust the newcomer at first, but as time is passing, they got used to him. After some time, Martin gets next to Julika, a young wife of the gamekeeper Tkác (Vlado Müller) and they begin to go out secretly. The gamekeeper knows that Martin had promised to cooperate with German Gestapo, after he had experienced a hard interrogation. In avoiding to be a grass, Martin leaves Prague to hide in Slovak mountains. Tkác wants Martin to inform on his colleagues who hide guns in the forest to ready to use them against Nazis.
Peter Demeter
A television film based on a play by Ján Kákoš with the theme of Slovak National Uprising.
Najvzdialenejšia hviezda na nebi
Slnko vychádza nad Prašivou
Komédia za groš
Od Silvestra do troch kráľov
Když chlapi dají slovo
Deň slnovratu
Roztancované kráľovstvo
Mína z Barnhelmu
Days of Betrayal
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Švédska zápalka
Mŕtve oči
Television film, based on Rudolf Jašík's novel of the same name, tells the story of a blind boy rejected by his own family.
Úder pod pás
Bývalí ľudia
On the Comet
geometr poručík Servadac
When a comet passes the Earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa, and a small swathe of humanity, along with it.
Stopy na Sitne
Peter a Lucia
Sedem svedkov
Every Young Man
Jurácek's feature debut is shot in two parts. In the first, a corporal accompanies a new recruit with a sore Achilles tendon for his physical, and all the girls or young women they see are played by the same actress (Ruzickova). In the longer second segment, shot with the help of the Czechoslovakia army, the soldiers pass the time during basic training and maneuvers by talking about girls.
Kráska a výlet