Marisa Mengoli


Flatfoot in Hong Kong
Assistant Editor
Inspector Rizzo is accused of drug trafficking. In order to clear his name he has to find out who is the person, from a Mafia ring, who has infiltrated his police department.
Playing the Field
A small-time soccer referee gets the chance of a lifetime when he gets to referee a major-league game. He becomes a celebrity and suddenly finds himself having to choose between his future as a referee and the temptations that come his way, especially the women, now.
Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata cercasi
Run for Your Wife
Assistant Editor
Riccardo, an unhappily married middle aged Italian working for a shoe factory, goes to America on a four day business trip.
O Deserto Vermelho
Assistant Editor
Chuva, neblina, frio e poluição assolam a cidade industrial de Ravenna, na Itália. Ugo, o gerente de uma usina local, é casado com Giuliana, uma dona de casa que sofre de problemas psicológicos. Um dia, ela conhece o engenheiro Zeller, o que pode mudar sua vida. Em O Deserto Vermelho, Antonioni, no auge de sua forma, aborda os temas centrais de sua filmografia: a incomunicabilidade e a solidão do homem contemporâneo.
The Girl from Parma
Assistant Editor
Dora, driven away from her town by malicious gossip following her first love affair, has a series of short-lived adventures until she falls in love with Nino, a small time crook. In Parma, a police officer courts her but she keeps thinking of Nino.
O Colosso de Rodes
Assistant Editor
No ano de 280 a.C., Darios, um herói militar grego, está visitando seu tio em Rodes. A cidade acabou de construir um enorme Colosso em homenagem a Apolo, para guardar o seu porto, e está planejando uma aliança com a Fenícia para atacar a Grécia. Por acidente, Darios se envolve com rebeldes que querem tirar o tirânico rei Xerxes do poder.
La donna che venne dal mare
Assistant Editor
Danae, a woman who came from the sea is a beautiful blonde girl at the center of a spy story during the second world war. In Gibraltar, Italian and British divers perform mutual sabotage actions. The secret agents, on the other hand, face off on the mainland and the Italian spies have the best thanks to the girl's intervention.
Assistant Editor
Wealthy teenager Guendalina is a child of divorce. Oberdan, likewise a teenager, is a boy from a blue-collar family. Escaping from the tribulations of her home life, Guendalina creates a dream world of her own, casting Oberdan as her personal Prince Charming. Despite parental objections, girl and boy fall in love. Interestingly enough, the relationship between Guendalina and Oberdan remains pure and chaste throughout their film, which is more than can be said for their parents. their respective parents behave with marked laciviousness.
Time of Vacation
Assistant Editor
Holiday time in Corniolo, a resort 40 kilometres from Rome. In a recently opened hotel various characters sojourn and love stories begin and end.
Giove in doppiopetto
Assistant Editor
Jupiter decides to spend his 3,000th birthday on earth amongst the humans. Mercury suggests he take the place of a newly married politician so he can have some fun with the man's new wife - but nothing goes to plan!
Uomini ombra
Assistant Editor
Italian naval secret agents acquire a British codebook and the Italian counter-espionage agents start tracking enemy agents working undercover in Italy and providing false information.
High School
Assistant Editor
It's the last year of highschool of a group of teenagers, and now they have to face their final exam, and the loves, happy or not, that sprung during those years of school.
Il matrimonio
Assistant Editor
An Italian historical comedy film consisting of three segments, based on three stage plays by Anton Chekhov.