Bob Zombie
In this standalone spinoff of Charles Band's Puppet Master series, an unspeakable evil from Blade’s past emerges in the form of a murderous Nazi scientist named Dr. Hauser. As Hauser’s heinous crimes are discovered, the psychic war journalist, Elisa Ivanov, awakens Blade, and together the bloody journey of revenge begins
An ex-cop stops on a desert road to help and Angel in distress. This act of kindness turns his life around - but not without a sacrifice.
Erik Burke
Beginning at a stylish mansion in the roaring 1920's, a socialite, flappers, and the men who love them come to their ultimate demise. These ghosts continue to haunt the mansion throughout the decade. Now they've come back to haunt and chase after a new generation of beautiful girls. The Dead Want Women!
Uma pequena Equipe, com experiência em equipamento de perfuração de petróleo se instala para enfrentar uma tempestade. Isolados na plataforma,a paz termina quando um membro da tripulação desaparece. Aos poucos, eles descobrem que uma criatura mortal está os perseguindo, para eliminá-los um por um.
Durante anos, a Marinha norte-americana treinou golfinhos para caçar minas submarinas. Com um cérebro que é quase humano - tanto em tamanho e intelecto, o golfinho é um defensor marítimo perfeito. Mas, e se uma criatura como o golfinho pudesse ser usada como uma arma de ataque? Um soldado aquático selvagem, esperto, desprovido de dor, política ou moralidade. Este animal existe, aqui mesmo e agora. Ele sobreviveu aos dinossauros e ainda é o predador mais temido e respeitado dos mares. O tubarão. JIM CASTLE é o bio-engenheiro responsável pelo desenvolvimento destes potenciais?tubarões guerreiros?. Gerados a partir de amostras de DNA, estas criaturas são as melhores de todo o mundo e mesclam a ferocidade e tamanho do tubarão branco com a velocidade e mobilidade do tubarão tigre, além do apurado senso olfativo e direcional do tubarão martelo. Com modelos clonados e tecnologia de enxerto, podem ser produzidos dentes maiores e mais afiados.
When an unknown underwater object disables an American nuclear-powered submarine and attacks a submerged Arctic research complex, a scientific expedition flies to the North Pole to investigate these incidents as well as the sudden, inexplicable rise in temperature that threatens to melt the ice cap and flood the surface of the world.
Dr. Ian Drackovitch
The movie begins in Southern England in the Middle Ages and then six knights are seen riding in horses towards a destroyed town. They see the remains of burned buildings and dead people until they come upon a mother and her dead baby. She quickly dies and then a rhino-sized dragon flies overhead, the knights follow right behind, vowing to kill the creature.
Gerhardt (as Bob Zachar)
Two teams are in a heated race for the money and the honor that comes with breaking the land speed world record.
Mr. Northcut
The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.
Prisioneiros fugitivos aterrorizam shopping e fazem vários reféns. A situação foge de controle e o mercenário Rudy Ray é chamado para resolver o problema, já que seu irmão é um dos criminosos. Conhecido também como Vingança à Queima Roupa.
Mac and Monica want to add an element of sexual intrigue to their marriage so they begin picking up men and playing games with them. Monica gets to add a little spice to her life, while Mac can fulfill his voyeuristic desires. But when they make their indecent proposal to the wrong man, everything changes, and Mac and Monica find they may pay for their desires with their marriage.
Scott Lunwitz
Steamy erotic thriller centering on Opella and Dan, a couple whose sexual fantasies get so wild, Dan wants to put a stop to them. When Opella is discovered dead, Dan contacts his brother to help him get rid of the body and cover his tracks, but the past soon comes back to haunt him.
Angie is having no luck auditioning for movies. She thinks about going back home, but her roommate Claudia convinces her to try working at the "gentleman's club" with her in order to gain more life experience. Angie hopes to be able to turn the experience toward more effective acting but is having difficulty overcoming her inhibitions. She meets a burned out movie director at the club who helps her with her dilemma.
Various husbands, wives, friends, and lovers pair off in a study of sexual dysfunction. A frustrated construction worker turns to phone sex when his wife can't satisfy him; a topless dancer submits to the alluring mind games.