Zacharias Yaconelli


Caravana de Mulheres
No tempo em que o “Oeste” dos EUA se estendia somente até o Texas e a Califórnia, a região começava a receber os primeiros colonos brancos. Havia uma severa carência de mulheres entre os trabalhadores da fazenda de Roy Whitman, no vale da Califórnia. Assim, Whitman vai até Chicago, no leste, para recrutar 150 mulheres que desejassem se tornar esposas de seus empregados.
Amazon Quest
Clerk (as Z. Yaconelli)
Thomas Dekker is a diamond cutter attempting to reclaim his right to a portion of a rubber empire in the early part of the twentieth century. Tom travels to Brazil to uncover the fate of his father and along the way meets Teresa, a local girl who offers to be his guide in the jungle. Eventually, they encounter three armed men who take them to Lobato, a bandit who knew his father. Once convinced that Tom is his friend's son, Lobato tells him a lengthy story which culminates with his meeting Tom's father, who rescued him from drowning. With the help of "flashbacks" from an obscure South American feature, Tom learns what really became of his father.
Madame X
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.