Carey Wilson


Actor Carey Wilson began appearing on television in 1973, and has also appeared in a few theatrical-release films. He is not to be confused with the Carey Wilson (1889-1962) who was a writer, actor, and producer.


Heavenly Pursuits
Education Officer
Vic Mathews teaches a remedial class at the Blessed Edith Semple School in Scotland. Some at the school are trying to discover the two more miracles that would promote the late Edith Semple to sainthood; Mathews, a non-believer, wishes the school would concentrate on teaching the children. He becomes confused, however, when he is involved in possibly miraculous events himself! Written by George S. Davis
Party Member
Um homem perde sua identidade vivendo sob um regime repressivo. Nesta história baseada no clássico de George Orwell, Winston Smith (John Hurt) é um funcionário público cuja função é reescrever a história de forma a colocar os líderes de um país fictício sob uma luz positiva. As escapadelas românticas com Julia (Suzanna Hamilton) proporcionam sua única fonte de distração, mas os políticos desaprovam o relacionamento. Em uma sociedade monitorada de perto, não há como escapar do Grande Irmão.