Tyler Keegan


Vampire Chicks with Chainsaws
Billy Lovetruck
All the myths about vampires are just that. Crosses, holy water, garlic -- they do absolutely nothing! The only thing that can kill a vampire has been injected into Quinn, a rough and rugged hillbilly with a chip on his shoulder. Now he is wanted by both vampires and those who want to destroy them. Quinn's only hope of survival is Karel, a renegade vampire warrior who does the unthinkable -- she falls in love with him.
The Home Teachers
Second Second Assistant Director
Stocky Greg's passion is football, and he rounds up his family from their respective church meetings and rushes home just in time to make the kick-off of the Sunday afternoon Vikings game. He has just planted himself in front of his massive television screen scarfing down chicken when his new home teaching companion, Nelson, calls to inform him that he has set an appointment to visit the Mori family in 15 minutes. Mormon males serving as home teachers are admonished to visit with their assigned families once a month, bring them a spiritual message, and provide help as necessary. Nelson, a nerdy "letter of the law" kind of Mormon who will not even purchase gas on a Sunday, intends to visit 100 % of his assigned families every month, and as this is the last day of the month even the many madcap mishaps that start immediately will not deter him from completing his duty despite Greg's griping and attempts to get back to the games.
Dear John
Two young Mormons, John and Darla, meet one evening in a video outlet that rents "edited, cleaned-up" versions of movies. They hit it off, share a lot of time together, and some weeks later John proposes marriage. Darla explains that her parents have asked her to only marry a man who has served a religious mission for the LDS Church, and he immediately pledges to become a missionary to allow their dream of a future together to be possible. After 3 months in the mission field, John moves to a new apartment with three other elders. Elder White has just received a "Dear John" letter from his girlfriend after a year away from home. The other elders got their letters at 6 months and 8 months respectively. John tells them that he will never get such a letter, but back home Darla is showing off her wedding dress to her girlfriends the day before her marriage to somebody else, and is explaining about her "romance" with John. However, in her rationalization, John is a socially inept klutz.
Caesar's Palace Forum Shopper (uncredited)
Uma jovem mulher, decidida a fugir de seu tumultuado passado, vai para Las Vegas com o objetivo de tornar-se dançarina, mas logo tem toda a sua bagagem roubada. No entanto, ela faz amizade com uma costureira, que trabalha no showbiz, e as duas passam a dividir um modesto local. Para sobreviver, começa a trabalhar como stripper em uma casa noturna de reputação duvidosa e, em virtude do seu belo rosto e de um corpo escultural, também atrai clientes, que desejam fazer com ela a "dança do colo", na qual ela pode fazer tudo com um homem mas ele não pode tocá-la. Com o tempo, ela passa a ser corista no show de um grande cassino, mas surge uma rivalidade indisfarçável entre ela e a estrela do show. Até que, quando ela começa a se envolver com o responsável pelos espetáculos, fica claro que o cassino é pequeno demais para ela e sua rival.