Dick McMahon


Playing characters as different as the brilliant mathematician in the stage version of PROOF, to a judge who secretly likes to wear women’s clothes in the movie comedy SCAMELOT, Dick McMahon has taken on divergent roles. In the war film PATHFINDERS, directed by Michael C. Humphries (young Forest Gump in the Tom Hanks film), Dick plays a tough American General who questions the   D-Day invasion of World War II. He also appears as a wounded Vietnam vet in the short film A HERO’S GIFT, and the title character in the feature-length FRANKLIN WUNDER. Besides PROOF, his stage credits include Talthybius  in THE TROJAN WOMEN, and Dr. Singer in DREAMS OF PANDORA, as well as comedy characters Blaine Bland in THE CNN MACBETH, and the lead in DR. DOOLOTS’ DILEMMA.   He has been General Manager of several radio/TV stations and was VP European Operations for Telmar Communications in London ... as well as an announcer on both the CBS & NBC radio networks and for Nash-ville’s famous GRAND ‘OLE OPRY.  


The Snowball Effect
Vying to be the meteorologist at a nationally syndicated television station, Tara and Sam race to cover an unexpected storm heading their way. When they find themselves stuck in a dilapidated village that Christmas forgot, Tara must learn what is important before she loses both the love and career opportunity of her life.
Desbravadores Na Companhia de Estranhos
American General
História incalculável e perdida. Uma história verídica dos Desbravadores Americanos, os pára-quedistas voluntários cuja missão mortal era aterrissar 30 minutos antes da invasão da Normandia, localizar e marcar "zonas de lançamento" estratégicas e montar o equipamento de navegação ultrassecreto necessário para guiar o principal ataque aéreo a D -Dia.