There are different children in one ward: one has completely gone into the virtual reality world of computer games and decided that he has ceased to be a person and turned into a Creature. The second, through the fault of his stepfather, was carried away by the ideas of Nazism. The third, a boy from a prosperous family, no longer wanted to live and tried to step off the balcony. The fourth is just silent and hates everyone.
A famous massage therapist becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of several of his clients. All the missing women are young girls looking to get away from of the provincial town to live their life in the capital, become professional models, or simply become high maintenance trophy wives.
A long time ago, as a twenty-year-old young man, Grigory committed a terrible act, because of which his conscience torments him up to the present time. Today he lives far from big cities with his old mother, who wants to help her only son with all her might, but does not know how – and suffers a lot because of this.
Several fatal accidents occur at once at the reinforced concrete products factory in the city of N. An investigator from the regional center comes to investigate the mysterious series of deaths, who understands that it is not technology that is to blame, but psychology. A number of people involved in a vicious suicidal circle are ready to take a step into the abyss. Everyone has their own reasons and motives. The investigator, when confronted with these stories, recalls his own personal tragedy.
Vera is a cartoonist. After the death of her husband and son, she moved from Moscow to the small town where she spent her childhood. Vera starts doing animation with children at a local club. Among her students there is a very strange boy with unusual and incomprehensible drawings.
The film is devoted to our mothers. The fantastic story about the power of simple people, capable of living and surviving in the most complex circumstances, about love, loyalty and beauty
Um jovem paramédico, talentoso e dedicado, está enfrentando problemas em seu casamento. Sua esposa está farta de ele se importar mais com os pacientes do que com ela, e pede o divórcio. Ao mesmo tempo em que luta para arranjar tempo para a esposa, ele começa a ficar cada vez mais obcecado por sua missão de salvar vidas. Até que o novo chefe do hospital implementa novas regras rígidas que atrapalham o trabalho do paramédico. Presos entre ligações de emergência, a busca por um sentido para a vida, e crises pessoais e profissionais, o casal precisa encontrar a força que os mantém unidos.